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Five Lost Years-Act II Final Economic Collapse!

In 2007 it was obvious to anyone with an eye for the incredulous... the rocketing global economy had exceeded its maximum altitude and with fuel expended hung momentarily at the point of stall... following stall is fall... and fall it did, dramatically circa 2008.

"Meltdown!" screamed the press while the larceny perpetrators tried to hide their tracks.

Through a series of convoluted larceny, the financial sector had leveraged the borrowing power of a single dollar a hundred fold or more leaving unsecured indebtedness in the Trillions. I.O.U's all totally worthless and noncollectable. As the terrifying truth of the heist became evident, commerce ceased, and values of everything dropped. The golden goose balloon had burst.

Fearing an end to the honey pot... globalist elites fashioned a fall arrest strategy, they sought to re-inflate their golden goose with taxpayer money, seniors pensions and unbridled printing of unsecured fiat paper.

Unfortunately, unless the hole is repaired re inflation becomes an endless futile exercise, which is where we are in 2013, nothing fixed and an economy crying for proper correction. Some would say five years of prolonged agony, at least for common citizens, not so much for the money junkie elites who managed to do quite well from the pumping spillage.

What is inevitable of course is the proper correction.

A proper correction is a natural process of letting real, unadulterated market forces place correct values on all tangible assets which in turn synchronises the rest of the economy with true scaled values. Correction is a painful process but the sooner it transpires the sooner it is over. Continuing the current folly is just as painful since it is not effective and is akin to ripping the band aid off slowly.

It seems the inevitable may be upon us.
GEAB N°76 is available! Alert for the second half of 2013 – Global systemic crisis II: second devastating explosion/social outburst on a worldwide scale.
(Snips... read full analysis at the link.) 
The 2008 shock was certainly violent, but the reactions of the system, countries and central banks with their bailouts on an unprecedented scale, managed to hide the worst consequences.
Ultimately this five-year period will have been nothing other than taking a step back to enter into an even bigger crisis, which we have called “the crisis squared”. 
A situation which is now out of control
The illusions which have still blinded the last remaining optimists are in the process of dissipating. In previous GEAB issues we have already laid out the world economy’s grim picture. Since then the situation has got worse.
The Chinese economy confirms its slowdown (1) as well as Australia (2), emerging countries’ currencies are disconnecting (3), bond interest rates are rising, UK salaries are continuing to fall (4), riots are affecting Turkey and even peaceful Sweden (5), the Eurozone is still in recession (6), the news filtering out of the United States is no longer cheerful (7)… 
The currently developing second crisis could have been avoided if the world had taken note that the United States, structurally incapable of reforming itself, was unable to implement other methods than those which had led to the 2008 crisis. Like the irresponsible “too big to fail” banks, the “systemically” irresponsible countries should have been placed under supervision from 2009...
Of course no correct remedy has been applied since 2008 so the past five years have been squandered for most yet beneficial for the corrupt, we allowed the drunks to continue pub administration.

For the rest of us we may take a pinch of solace that the nightmare is about to end and we have the opportunity to influence future direction. Many of us are now experienced at being tanked or have learned consequence from others that did. Small comforts I know, but a straw holds great hope for a drowning man.

My advice right now: Covert your small comforts, you will probably need them.

Stay tuned...


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