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Showing posts from August, 2011

The Mysterious Behavior of fillBefore, fillAfter, and fillEnabled

A bug was filed on recently that had me poring through the code and docs to understand three boolean flags in the old Animation class: fillBefore , fillAfter , and fillEnabled . On the surface, these properties don't seem that difficult to understand; they control how animations behave before and after they run. But between some complicated interactions of the properties and some, er, inaccuracies in the reference docs, it turned out to be somewhat tricky to understand how they work and how they're supposed to work. Once I got through that exercise (including fixing the docs - look for those fixes in a future release), I thought it might be helpful to explain how these flags really work. First, let's cover the behavior of fillBefore and fillAfter . We'll get to fillEnabled and it's, um, special behavior after that. Before and After fillBefore and fillAfter are pretty simple, conceptually; they define how an animation behaves before and after it runs

2010, sketchbook #6

Finally back from out of town. Here's more sketchbook art... New art coming soon, I promise!

2010, sketchbook #5

I'm nearly done with re-blogging all my old art! A lot of stuff was left out, but I got most the stuff I still kinda like. Anyhow, here's more sketchbook stuff from 2010. I like how the two girls in the bottom corner came out on the one above. These ones are kind of hard to see, but they're unfinished drawings of this feral little girl called Genie. Her story is really sad. Google her if you're in the mood to feel really shitty. Cats. Forest girls- one of my favorite things to draw besides hillbillies. Highschool friends. I still want to make some comics about the dumb stuff that went on back then, but I don't know if I'll ever get around to it for real. More coming soon!

2010, Sketchbook from Brandy

My good friend Brandy gave me this beautiful sketchbook that she got from the Renaissance fair last May (at least I think it was May), and I vowed to only draw wood nymphs and forest girls in it. I have yet to fill it completely, but here are a few of the drawings that I have in it. Here's a photo of how cute the sketchbook is. More soon!

Global Economic Meltdown - Act II

Today, August 10th 2011... marks commencement of the completion period of Global Socio-Economic Submersion and disintegration... This is not to be a so-called "double-dip" economic collapse, but a continuation of the original. We are witnessing and subject to the continuation of the much touted 2008 economic meltdown (which was Falsely buoyed by tax payer TARP, EQ sequels and lowered interest rates and so forth)... which provided the illusion of recovery between 2008 and recently. Since it is a continuation it is the real deal now, all ways and means to arrest the inevitable have been expended in the interim. Compounding the situation is the alarming shrinkage of sovereign GNP and soaring unemployment, the only elements useful for an attempted solution to turning the tide of rampant loss of earnings and asset to debt ratios, but only if direction is reversed. All discernible Fed props are used up AND Europe, in fact all industrialized nation trading partners are likewise suc

America Submerged - Triple-A Relegation to Minor League.

Yesterday (Friday August 5th 2011) a signal was sent by S&P rating agency, confirmation that the USA is technically bankrupt... no surprise there... anyone with a fundamental grasp of grade 5 math would not be challenged with the calculation. Annual Income $2.3 Trillion - Annual outgo $4.3 Trillion the result is preceded with a minus sign - the shortfall between making ends meet and fiscal failure. This annual shortfall has now acrued $15 Trillion of deficiency with no means to pull it back into a manageable situation - GNP is shrinking along with the tax base. The conclusion of such a leger is insolvency if not sooner... then later. Compounding the magnitude of that unresolvable sum, there is the reality of the upcoming $110 Trillion commitment known as unfunded liability. This in fact dwarfs the almost trivial annual deficit number... Cunningly, unfunded liabilities do not move onto government ledgers until the payment checks are issued keeping them off the radar at least tempora

DroidFlakes: An Android Animation Demo

Here's a simple app that I wrote recently to see how background processing affects frame rate. There's nothing too complicated going on in the app, but it seemed worth publishing to show how to do various things in Android, such as: Using a single ValueAnimator (3.0+ API) to animate several objects independently Manipulating the transform of Canvas to move/rotate objects Using the GPU to provide faster rendering (3.0+ capability) Tracking the current frames per second performance Here's a video of the running application, captured using HDMI on a 3.1 tablet. You can see how the More, Less, and GPU controls affect what's going on in the app. Note that it starts out with no GPU acceleration and bogs down when we have lots of flakes on the screen. Then see how the frame rate improves once the GPU box is checked. The app is accelerated by default; non-GPU rendering is performed by setting a software layer on the view, which forces rendering to happen in software to a bitmap