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Political Wind--Turbines Suck

Before you mount a wealth grab gambit one needs to conjure up an urgent problem to be solved.

This is the routine play for all carpetbaggers, snake oil salesman and bought politicians. The problem in this case was the old standby, CO2. CO2 is responsible for everything that could possibly ail us, but that is another story.

Climate Shift - Shifts Gears-Now an Insurance Scam 

The solution to CO2 is a card from the green smoothie pack of lies (aka Agenda 21) --wind turbine farms, these blight upon the landscape are touted to be the best thing since Tesla free electricity was passed over for the metered chargeable version.

Under even passing scrutiny the technology is hopelessly inadequate for purpose, pitifully inefficient, outrageously expensive, offensive to the eye, damaging to the health and lethal for birds and bats.

They also disturb local habitat through creating mini variations in ground weather, stifling natural formation of dew destroying micro ecology while seriously devaluing personal property.

Other than that they are probably fine, for what... we don't yet know.

What they have been good for... or even exceptional for... is the "industry" who for years have been making fortunes out of the greatest public subsidy bonanza (swindle) of modern times.

Although ten or fifteen years too late, the lustre is beginning to lose its shine, the truth as they say... is beginning to reveal itself... and increasingly the magnitude and scope of the deception is making itself known.

Millions of taxpayer funding has been blown into the wind--landing of course into the back pockets of the wind lobbyists.

Meanwhile the energy issue lies undisturbed by real attention, another ten years wasted.

I wish I could express surprise... The following is an illustration from the UK, hopefully the same kind of enlightenment will occur throughout the NWO domains.
Ten years too late, it’s good riddance to wind farms – one of the most dangerous delusions of our age
(Article snips-read full story at link)
The significance of yesterday’s shock announcement by our Energy Minister John Hayes that the Government plans to put a firm limit on the building of any more onshore wind farms is hard to exaggerate.
On the face of it, this promises to be the beginning of an end to one of the greatest and most dangerous political delusions of our time.
I have been following this extraordinary story for ten years ever since, in 2002, I first began looking carefully at what really lay behind this deceptive obsession with the charms of wind power. It didn't take me long, talking to experts and reading up on the technical facts, to see that the  fashionable enthusiasm for wind energy was based on a colossal illusion.
I first warned about what I called ‘the greatest mistake in our history’ in an article in the Mail almost ten years ago.
I described the claim that it would be the answer to all our future energy problems as a catastrophic failure of judgment. I feared that wind power was stupendously inefficient and ludicrously expensive and that by falling for the greatest energy hoax of our time.
So unreliable are wind turbines — thanks to the wind’s constant vagaries — that they are one of the most inefficient means of producing electricity ever devised.
No one would dream of building wind farms unless the Government had arranged to pay their developers a subsidy of 100 per cent on all the power they produce, paid for by all of us through a hidden charge on our electricity bills.
The only way the industry managed to fool politicians into accepting this crazy deal was by subterfuge — referring to turbines only in terms of their ‘capacity’  (i.e. what they could produce if the wind was blowing at optimum speeds 24 hours of every day). The truth is that their average actual output is barely a quarter of that figure.
Yet it was on this deception that the industry managed to fool pretty well everyone that wind farms could make a contribution to Britain’s energy needs four times larger than reality — and thus was ‘the great wind scam’ launched  on its way.
The sad part...there is a technology wasteland, the same basic technologies for basic infrastructure and transport is essentially a century old, what passes for innovation is no more than enhancements, true pioneering has been waylaid in favor of protecting entrenched interests in obsolete technologies and infrastructure.

Until the grip of entrenched corporations is pried loose from the public purse... true innovation is doomed to languish.

Unless this is changed we are doomed to flounder around in archaic methodologies.

Henry Ford, George Stephenson, and the Wright brothers would easily recognize their first automobile, locomotive and aeroplane even in the most modern configurations of today.

By now we should be far beyond burning, spinning and reacting things to achieve energy sources.

If you favor nuclear reaction to boil water to make steam to drive a 100 year old technology steam electrical generator... well, you will never grasp my point!

Stay tuned...


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