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Showing posts from October, 2015

How To Root Android Multi Window

Tool : Install Xposed Installer APK Install XMultiWindow Tutorial XMultiWindows : - Open Application - Sidebar Settings - Sidebar App Setting - Select the application that was created in the sidebar Android OS 4.0+ Spoiler: Dual Window Youtube And Game Lets Get Rich  Spoiler: Get Rich :D Link APK Get Rich : APK 1 APK 2 APK 3 Sumber : Sini 

Cara Anti Auto Tags Spam Di Facebook

Nah kali ini saya ingin memberitahu anda cara mengatasi auto Tags Status Spam Di Facebook Anda , pasti setiap orang kesal jika terkena Auto Tags Spam Di Facebook nah saya ada caranya nih ayo tinggal ikuti langkahnya . Langkah - Langkah : 1. Pastinya Login Ke Akun Facebook Anda 2. Klik Tanda Panah Bawah Tepatnya Dekat Anda Logout Facebook 3. Klik Pengaturan 4. Klik Kronologi Dan Penanda 5.

Measuring Activity Startup Time

In recent talks I've given, as well as the Developing for Android series, I talk about the need to launch quickly, and about how to ensure that you're testing the right launch speed (cold start, like after reboot and (mostly) after killing a task, vs. warm start, which is way faster because the activity just has to be brought to the foreground). Then someone asked me, quite reasonably, "So how do I get my app's launch time?" Then I paused and wondered the same thing... Whenever I've done this kind of benchmarking on framework code, I've had the ability to instrument exactly the bits I needed to. But how can non-framework developers get the information they need from just running the normal build? Fortunately, this information exists, and has since API 19. So if you're running on any release later than 4.4 (Kitkat), you should be set. All you have to do is launch your activity and look in logcat for something like this: ActivityManager: Displayed com.a

Balap Liar Lucu Di Pendawa Bekasi (Video)

Balap liar di Pendawa, Bekasi, Jawa Barat menyedot media otomotif ternama. Sumber-Akuka - Balap liar merupakan aktivitas yang kerap dilakoni sejumlah remaja. Tak cuma di berbagai negara, aktivitas adu cepat ilegal bersama kendaraan bermotor ini juga sering dilakukan pemuda di Indonesia. Baru-baru ini, sebuah aksi balap liar di Pendawa, Bekasi, Jawa Barat.menyedot media otomotif ternama.

Foto Kecil Wanita Cantik Di Indonesia

Banyak kalian yang tidak tau foto masa kecilnya artis artis cantik ini Yang Pertama Adalah : 1. Melody Nurramdhani Laksani ( JKT 48 ) 2. Raisa Adriani Lucu banget ya saat dia masih kecil , dan cantik juga 3. Ariel Tatum 4. Maudy Ayunda 5.Dian Sastrowardoyo 6. Pevita Pearce

Download Windows 7 Loader Activator 2016 |FREE|

Installation Instructions Make sure to disable your Antivirus program First! (Otherwise, Windows 7 Activator cannot apply registry patch and activation will fail!) Download Windows 7 Activator : Download Click here Run and Install. Reboot your PC to finish the permanent activation. Enjoy! Its really hard to find a working Windows 7 Loader without getting infected with

Cheat Transformice FLY Hack 24 Oktober 2015

Tutorial:   1- Open Transformice.exe  2- Open the hack on the screen loguin  3 - Login to your account on a room only  4 - Wait 4 seconds, turn the box and wait finish loading.  5- After activate, press the key SHIFT and test the hack  6- If the mouse go flying, funfou.  7- If the hack funfar not, repeat the process, it is normal not funfar time.  8 - Pay close attention

Transfer Akun Point Blank Garena Sudah Bisa Dan Caranya

Hi Troopers! Periode transfer akun akan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 22 Oktober 2015 - 6 November 2015! Berikut adalah langkah proses transfer akun Link Transfer :  Langkah 1: Login akun Garena Akun Garena ini akan ditimpa dengan data publisher lama. Pastikan kamu login dengan akun Garena yang benar, karena setelah kamu klik "Otentikasi Sekarang" di halaman

Colligation and a bottom-up approach to grammar

Summary of Hugh Dellar's IATEFL webinar Following the patterns: colligation and the necessity of a bottom-up approach to grammar  - September 2015 For most people, the Lexical Approach is about focusing more on vocabulary in general and collocations in particular. Personally, however, I have always thought that the crux of the Lexical Approach is a different approach to teaching grammar. Lewis himself acknowledges that the Lexical approach “means giving attention to a much wider range of patterns which surround individual words […] In this respect, it is a more ‘grammatical’ approach than the traditional structural syllabus“ (2000:149-150, author’s emphasis). Hugh Dellar, co-author of the only two coursebook series that incorporate the Lexical Approach – Innovations and, to a lesser extent, Outcomes , has shown in his books how this, lexico-grammatical approach can be put in practice. In his IATEFL webinar, he brought in theoretical evidence from J.H. Firth and Michael Hoey to dr

Cara Mengembalikan Ke

Nah pasti kalian bingung sekali Blog anda Domain belakangnya berubah otomatis menjadi nah saya juga awalnya kaget karena itu membuat blog saya jauh lebih panjang , fungsi domain itu tergantung server negara anda , nah saya memiliki solusinya agar Blog anda kembali lagi seperti semula menjadi terus terusan. Langkang - Langkahnya : 1. Loggin Ke Blog Anda

The return of translation: opportunities and pitfalls

For most of the 20th century, there was a deep-rooted tradition in the ELT, which dates back to the Direct Method, that L1 in the classroom should be avoided at all costs. Although there were some alternative methods, such as Community Language learning (aka ‘counsel-learning’) and Dodson’s Bilingual Method, which made use of the learners’ L1 and used translation, most ELT methods of the last century were clearly ‘target-language’ only and some even went as far as to take a clearly anti-L1 stance in order to avoid interference. In recent years, however, translation and the use of L1 in ELT have made a comeback. As I was recently adding final touches to a presentation on the topic of translation I got this email from a colleague: NB. "Inspectors" are MOE supervisors who make periodic visits to schools, known in some countries as "superintendents" Indeed, thanks to whom or what evidence? Let's look at some arguments for and against translation in ELT. Translation