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Global Economic Meltdown - Act II

Today, August 10th 2011... marks commencement of the completion period of Global Socio-Economic Submersion and disintegration...

This is not to be a so-called "double-dip" economic collapse, but a continuation of the original.

We are witnessing and subject to the continuation of the much touted 2008 economic meltdown (which was Falsely buoyed by tax payer TARP, EQ sequels and lowered interest rates and so forth)... which provided the illusion of recovery between 2008 and recently.

Since it is a continuation it is the real deal now, all ways and means to arrest the inevitable have been expended in the interim.

Compounding the situation is the alarming shrinkage of sovereign GNP and soaring unemployment, the only elements useful for an attempted solution to turning the tide of rampant loss of earnings and asset to debt ratios, but only if direction is reversed.

All discernible Fed props are used up AND Europe, in fact all industrialized nation trading partners are likewise sucked dry and submerged equating to NO lifelines for anyone... therefore, systemic socio-economic global failure is guaranteed.

Phase II of the global economic meltdown is best viewed as a "Tsunami correction" rather than a crash. 

As an example if DOW had grown at a natural pace for the past 15 years (i.e. without ponzi and corruption) it would probably be at about 4200 today and be viewed as sustainable as modest growth would indicate.

The markets need to align with that correct (un-perverted) valuation before true recovery can begin.

There is no other conventional solution.
The correct thing from elitist world governance would be universal debt forgiveness across the board.
Failing that, natural debt delinquencies at all levels will occur anyway as sovereign, state, municipalities, businesses and individuals default in a domino fashion....
The controlled, planned implementation of debt forgiveness would be less messy and painful but they are unlikely to make that decision - it would be an abject  admission of  NWO control failure.
Logically, there is no conventional calculator solution to the issue. 

We are certain to be subject to one of two horrendous economic realities or a combination thereof... hyper inflation or the deepest economic depression ever witnessed. Today's unprecedented global socio-economic collapse cannot be equated with any historical example, and so comparison is futile as are any past techniques used to claw out from either condition. Any proposed solution would need be truly unique.

The fact of 1-1=0 cannot be worked around at the end of the day.

Populations will create their own "off the radar" economies... Natural law will transcend legislation.

Self sufficiency is the key going forward... waiting for the cavalry to come could prove fatal.

Beware the purveyors of "hope" and "change"... their vested interests are not necessarily yours, in fact, quite the opposite if truth be known.

Stay tuned...


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