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The Elephant in the Room - Unfunded Liabilities

In the next few weeks your attention may be drawn to debate about sovereign nation deficits, the day to day ability to pay your way.

While the fact of being bankrupt is awful, the prospect of perpetual impoverishment and abandonment is far worse.

That is what unfunded liability is about.

Deficit debates are novelty and distraction, meanwhile the elephant goes unnoticed.

(If you are a part of the 2% privileged NWO elite, this will not concern you.)

All around the globe sovereign nations struggle with day to day operating costs and bills to be paid, something required to remain as functioning entities. With decreasing income and rising costs the pay as you go event has turned into a tractor pull - the harder they pull, the heavier the load becomes, eventually the motor explodes under the strain.

The explosion occurred in the latter part of 2007, since that time the crippled engine has been unable to turn the gears and so the malaise of shattered economic plumbing and social dysfunction has compounded in spite of copious amounts of fuel being poured into the banks tanks.

Of course the inevitable will not be denied and the model of infinite economic growth is no more.

Within sovereign nations, smaller units such as counties, states, municipalities, cities and towns are faced with the same issue... and within those citizens are in the same predicament.

In short, at the end of the month--macro and micro economies needs to borrow to come up with that periods shortfall. In 2011 the point has been reached where contagion of default has overrun the capacity to borrow more. The chickens have come home to roost - like they say.

The socioeconomic modal cannot support the demands put on it--a new model is imperative, yet the New World Order elitists who orchestrated the travesty to begin with continue insisting the shattered machinery can be fixed--with tax payer money of course.

Many are familiar with the day to day deficit spending model and easily see a day comes when assets are no longer adequate to secure the ballooning debt load... hence the continuation of socioeconomic collapse we see today. The collapse process can be artificially forestalled of course by moving the repayment schedules to the backs of the unborn who will come into the world as an asset of the state with hundreds of thousands of legacy debt on their shoulders even before they draw first breath....  Of comfort to the elitists, the yet to be born have no vote or voice in the matter.

This brings us to the REAL problem, the one that makes operating deficits seem trivial - it is a phenomena called simply... unfunded liability.

What is an unfunded liability? Unlike corporation or you and I, the governments do not count financial liabilities until the day they pay for them. It would be like being able to place an order for something very expensive, but without having to declare the cost liability the purchase represents... since the purchase order is for something in the future the balance sheet does not reflect the commitment of expenditure and so over time a huge fiscal liability begins to form, one without any means to pay for it when the contract becomes due.

How big are these undeclared hidden liabilities? 
As an example... In the United States of America the $61.6 trillion in unfunded obligations amounts to $528,000 per household. That's more than five times what Americans have borrowed for everything else — mortgages, car loans and other debt.
Much of the public focus is on the nation’s public debt, which is $14.3 trillion. 
But that doesn’t include money guaranteed for Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, which comes to close to $50 trillion, according to government figures. The government also is on the hook for other debts such as the programs related to the bailout of the financial system following the crisis of 2008 and 2009, government figures show. Taken together, Gross puts the total at “nearly $100 trillion,”
Who will be burned by the inability to pay for these contracted unfunded liabilities?

This is not a uniquely American issue, all so called developed nations which have succumbed to New World Order elitist influence are in the same boat.

The fundamental law of 1-1=0 precludes any hope that unfunded liabilities around the globe can ever be honored, the victims of course are the working citizens who have contributed faithfully into the coffers under the "now misguided" belief their basic needs would be met when the time comes for them to park the plow and hang up the coveralls.

Since this site is about anticipating threats to personal well being for the purpose of being mentally prepared for the onset of known trials and tribulation, I advocate that the expectation setting of being abandoned by state occur now rather than later when the opportunity to adjust has been lost.

Socioeconomic collapse is not as novel or attractive a subject as inbound asteroids, sun flares, extinction events and other naturally induced calamities but the prospect of being a victim of the New World Order elitist "unfunded liability" travesty trap is one that is real, immanent and holds the promise of misery for millions who are and will be trying to cope - alone.

Stay tuned...


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