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NWO, Our Ruined Planet - Your Ignorance Their Bliss!

Because we have put our faith and trust into the hands of the self-anointed highly intelligent, highly educated  and  highly accredited individuals within the global community we have elevated ourselves as a specie and now have the advantages of a peaceful, pristine globe where safety and well-being are assured for nature and humanity!

OK, meanwhile back on the planet earth... I for one am growing terminally skeptic as the never ending flow of "expert" induced carnage casts its horrifying pall across the landscape, a landscape which was reasonably fine until the denizens of finance, societal re-engineering, politicos, corporations and any number of "do gooders" inserted their individual preferences into the business we call life and living. I see no favors done there, not for the general population anyway, perhaps for themselves certainly as the "fortune" trail indicates.

Collectively they call themselves the New World Order, a body of influence which knows best for us and through legislation and economic manipulation guarantee all gullible citizens they have the way to your happiness here.

It seems to me that if track record was ever considered the NWO and their stooges would be declared a toxic waste dump, something to be broken and buried but never forgotten. The NWO and their ilk are a bitter lesson for the unsuspecting who will certainly rue the day power was transferred to them, or more accurately taken by them under the pretense of benevolence. Trick me once, shame on you, trick me twice, shame on me.

I was considering providing examples of ill-advised, reckless, wanton, destructive, selfish NWO behaviors that have burned, scorched and trashed our planet but in retrospect the Internet is insufficient to list them, I am certain, you the reader have an inkling anyway, the daily "news flow" catalogs them nicely. Result is the best measure of any endeavor not anecdotal commentary anyway and so resting the case is served best by factual result not impassioned plea.

An example is always a good supplement to a series of statements... so at random I grabbed this one from the endless flow of travesty published by the mainstream media. It is not an unusual perspective, there are countless others with more on the way as the chronic behaviors of the NWO explode across the globe like cruel and heinous "time bombs." This recent little detonation has likely obliterated the nation of Japan, in a few years this example will be lost in a veritable mountain of likewise events... it is too late to turn back - the time and event activated dice is cast already, the toothpaste cannot be put back into the tube.

Meltdown: not just a metaphor
Vested interests cause both our financial system and the nuclear industry to compulsively underestimate risk
Before the Great Recession, America's economic gurus – from the head of the Federal Reserve to the titans of finance – boasted that we had learned to master risk. "Innovative" financial instruments such as derivatives and credit default swaps enabled the distribution of risk throughout the economy.
We now know that they deluded not only the rest of society, but even themselves.
These wizards of finance, it turned out, didn't understand the intricacies of risk, let alone the dangers posed by "fat-tail distributions" – a statistical term for rare events with huge consequences, sometimes called "black swans".
Events that were supposed to happen once in a century – or even once in the lifetime of the universe – seemed to happen every 10 years. Worse, not only was the frequency of these events vastly underestimated; so was the astronomical damage they would cause – something like the meltdowns that keep dogging the nuclear industry.
This example offers the alibi of "expert" ignorance and poor judgement as the underlying causal factor of these now routine catastrophic events... the casual observer would be excused for thinking... "That often, or that extensive?" The alternative is an alarming conclusion, accidental or by design? That is a question you need to wrestle with.  For my part I do recognize the foolhardy and scoff-laws always have a justification for their heinous crimes and deeds - always.

What we have as a bottom line is a deadly combination of ill-conceived, reckless wealth grabbing ploys that have no regard for consequence, that is unconscionable and punishable regardless of self applied superior, elitist status.

Intentionally placing under specified, under engineered death traps in locations known for natural upheaval is tantamount to premeditated extermination of humankind and life in general. If they claim risk has been considered and safety is assured... ask "When and for whom?"

Where is the outrage?

Even as I write this... dozens of similar NWO conceived depopulation time bombs are in various stages of being seeded among you. That is not wild speculation on my part, it is a fact. Who? or What? will stop this madness is beyond me, perhaps you have an insight, I am running out of those.

I do know this... if the price of "progress" is my or my children s life, it is less worth than a terrible bargain.

There are those who say "change and progress" is good and inevitable, although I do not disagree on the principle I do ask, give me your definition of "progress." When I get a response it seldom supports mass destruction, carnage and ruination... the current hallmarks of progressive activity aftermath-- perpetrated through the untouchable "holy cow" of "progress" albeit NWO style.

NO means no! Just say NO to the NWO and their selfish, self centered lies and deceit.

Demand average, it is far better than the expert driven catastrophic reality we are now engulfed in.

For the folks interested in mitigating the risks induced by the NWO already, location is key, know where they have seeded their misery! Stay clear, stay safe, and please inform a friend.

Any governing body which infers global control of any sort... either be afraid... or better yet dispose of its influence to the best of your abilities. You will not be alone for we are legion!

1 of 11 this case illustrates the point of glibly allowing your future to be run by strangers who have no interest in your survival.

Stay tuned...


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