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Showing posts from May, 2013

Volunteered Self Extermination - Our new "Normal."

Coerced volunteered extermination... to boot. Do you like where you live? Do you enjoy the prospect of grandchildren? Do you enjoy growing a few vegetables? Are you pleased when your child grasps the concept of 2 + 2 = 4? Soon, these and many other "normal" aspirations will be deemed abnormal, and will become quaint notions of the past. Why would this be? Because a committee of unqualified elitist power mongers said so. A world without you and yours in it... is their preference... and so changes are in effect. Soon the desires of the individual will be sacrificed for the benefit of the collective--unfortunately the collective is an exclusive group and does not include us. SCIENCE MEETS UN AGENDA 21, EUGENICS AND POPULATION CONTROL When a committee gets together to design a perfect horse the result will more resemble a camel, Design by committee is a disparaging term for a design process in which a team of persons, often representing organizations with an interest in the outc...

Government Reverses Course - Power to Public Outcry

It is not often I am able to report a situation where a government actually responded to the needs and desires of it's employer, the tax payer. Most often Governments are engaged in feathering corporate interest nests and regard their constituents as a nuisance factor. Today I have the pleasure of reporting a small illustration of the power of public outcry, although small and trivial looking, the example does show an important strategy--that of cohesive public outcry-- which can get the attention of pedestal riding, self-mounted governance and get action against absurd and ridiculous legislation. In the heavy handed Marxist enabled... NWO inspired Fascism slanted governance we experience daily, this instance provides a modicum of hope for reversal. Reconstituting equitable treatment of citizens may well be in motion. We should not discount the power of hue and cry and should exercise it with vigor. There is certainly no shortage of ill-advised, wanton or even insane legislation an...

Islamophobia and other distortions... Forced to live a lie.

Since the advent of what is known as  Cultural Marxism, or Political Correctness (1933) the world has gradually shifted to a place of stilted expression, at least for some cultures.  The Origins of Political Correctness We call it “Political Correctness.” The name originated as something of a joke, literally in a comic strip, and we tend still to think of it as only half-serious. In fact, it’s deadly serious. It is the great disease of our century, the disease that has left tens of millions of people dead in Europe, in Russia, in China, indeed around the world. It is the disease of ideology. This post is not about the "incident" the actors or the various factions. It is about rapidly disappearing rights of free speech and media control of opinion. Yet certain guest cultures seem able to fully express without caution while mine host is rendered speechless? What made me think about this...  is a recent barbaric incident widely reported in media. It took ...

The pointless appeal to morality - breaking the habit!

Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe. - Frederick Douglass I expect a review of historical life-styles is peppered with the plaintive cry of persecuted and abused citizens many of whom variously suffered under the regimes they found themselves subjected to. The universal cry for fairness and equity is a connecting constant across the mists of time. Studies invariably show a consistent disparity between the "have's and have not's." It seems our destiny is fixed and this stark observation represents humanities steady state condition. The more the oppressed cry for fairness the more inequities stay the same... or even worsen. Still... the appeals are made for morality, as though somehow the few individuals with the amassed wealth will unleash it to the benefit of others. By and...

What really happened? Global NWO Fascism! That's What!

Topic: Intensifying war on serious journalism-- Suppression tactics based on fear and intimidation All over the world common, ordinary folks are increasingly subjected to heavy handed or even diabolical treatment by their governance. Laws and legislation is concocted without any askance of constituents, activities are conducted without input from the theoretical employer--the tax payer. Increasingly fear and intimidation is the vehicle of "out of control" governance. Constitutions are being ridiculed while legislation oppresses. Such treatment can only be described as fascist--a despicable, unacceptable  approach which HAS to be stopped! The New World Order is de-marked by tyrannical governance. Fascism : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and soc...

Genetic Horror, Eugenics - Crimes Against Humanity!

Seeds of Death: Unveiling The Lies of GMO's - Full Movie Most of what ails us I see as solvable, with the return of common sense, a will to effect change and personal commitment, humanity should, can and will take back the right to thrive and prosper. It will take time and it will require the dismantling of all governance uncommitted to our well-fare and better interest. Commerce which puts greed and avarice above constituent benefit and good is shameful, abhorrent and despicable and in many cases lethal to life. There is one aspect of horrendous consequence which needs attention - NOW! GMO foods. This message needs to be broadcast far and wide, the unsuspecting need to be informed, the cognizant need to act.  Genetically Modified Food practices have to be halted, sidelined and prevented from utterly devastating the natural order of life and living-ness... once unleashed these diabolical franken seeds usurp heritage foliage and cr...

Woolwich - Fishy Things to be aware of...

Woolwich - Fishy Things to be aware of... Currently the UK has a weak government with strong ties and support for the EU - There is a significant groundswell from the population to hold a public vote to leave the EU. The citizens were duped into supporting the EU as a trading scheme... not the all encompassing one world government it turned out to be. The main opposition to EU is Nigel Farage leader of the fast rising UKIP party ... He is a thorn in the side of all things NWO. The English Deference League (EDL) is a group of English patriots who want their country back. They are labeled as extremists and have taken the extreme route to bringing England back to the English, often violently through frustration. Recently the EDL threw its support behind UKIP. This embarrassed UKIP who are afraid they will be tainted by an extremist label and lose their reputation in other voting sectors. The EDL mobilized swiftly to protest the Woolwich soldier death event and swore revenge. Recently, 6 ...

The absurdity of "Trickle Down" economics - Elitist Lies!

£100bn lost in tax avoidance by individuals People using tax havens have deprived governments worldwide of £100bn in revenue, enough to end extreme poverty twice over, according to new figures published today by Oxfam. I can tell you what does trickle down, effluent--from the mouths of corporate elitist liars and their bedfellows. I know many sage and learned economics gurus wax wise about such theories as "trickle down" economics... that is nice for them... but many of us live in a practical world, sometimes with brutal reality. The theory of "trickle down" economics posits that if the corporate elitist power-monger is provided with sufficient wealth... then they will create jobs and buy stuff therefore dripping nickels and dimes into the raggedy pockets of the unwashed masses... and everyone lives happily ever after. Nice theory but amassed corporate and personal wealth seems to defy gravity and gravitates in all directions except down. It seems that a gr...

Psychologists - The new Politico Wonder Weapon?

Conspiracy much? Disagree with authority? You may find yourself "typed." Fear not... pharma has treatments. Gulag anyone? It may be later than you think.... Sometimes things catch the corner of my eye and inspire me to glance. Sometimes when I glance I become riveted. Sometimes the object of notice is worthy of chronicle... I saw two psycho-babble things today... which in combination red flagged my discernment.... The first a "mental illness" article called  Oppositional Defiance Disorder! Initially this disorder was concocted to "type" children, particularly boys, with a "condition label" of rebelliousness against authority. Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), or social aggression, is defined as a pattern of disobedient, negativistic, and provocative opposition to authority figures. In the old days I suspect  this natural phase of development was referred to as "little hellion" or "brat." As I remember the phase passed with ...

He said, she said, then they said...

Conflicting studies can make life tough. A good systematic review could sort it out. It might be possible for the studies to be pooled into a  meta-analysis . That can show you the spread of individual study results and what they add up to, at the same time. But what about when systematic reviews disagree? When the "he said, she said" of conflicting studies goes meta, it can be even more confusing. New layers of disagreement get piled onto the layers from the original research. Yikes! This post is going to be tough-going... A group of us defined this  discordance among reviews  as: the review authors disagree about whether or not there is an effect, or the direction of effect differs between reviews. A difference in direction of effect can mean one review gives a "thumbs up" and another a "thumbs down." Some people are surprised that this happens. But it's inevitable. Sometimes you need to read several systematic reviews to get your head around a bod...

An Apple a day - Keeps the Tax man Away - Corruption.

Apple 'avoided $1m tax per hour' in US in 2012 I don't usually bother writing about specific corporate cases of chronic corruption, there are far too many to keep track of. I am making an exception in this case because the misery spread struck a chord with me. I do realize a corporate entity is without soul and has no obligation to provide an individual with anything including a "job". I do realize elitist corporate power-mongers have but one focus, skimming wealth. I am not against wealth creation but when it includes despicable practices constituting wreckage of living environments, crass and obscene exploitation of human resources or despicable larceny and theft at the expense of citizens... then something need be said. I also realize toady politicos wet their beak from the fountains of corporate travesty, I do realize that oversight of corporate activity is performed with the blind eye of collusion, I do realize that the individuals ensconced in corporate wr...

Google I/O Presentations Now Live

Romain Guy and I gave two talks at Google I/O yesterday which are now live on YouTube: Android Graphics Performance: Slides for Android Graphics Performance are posted on Romain's blog . A Moving Experience: A Moving Experience Slides: Keynote PDF PDF with speaker notes The code from the animation demos will be posted soon, probably in conjunction with future DevBytes episodes.

They just Google THAT?!

I admit I needed Google to quickly find out that the category for bunny-shaped clouds is "zoomorphic". And I think Google is wonderful - and so does Tess. But... There's just been another study published about the latest generation of doctors and their information and searching habits. Like Tess' friend, they rely pretty heavily on Googling. We could all be over-estimating, though, just how good people are at finding things with Google - including the biomedically trained . Many of us assume that the "Google generation" or "digital natives" are as good at finding information as they are at using technology. A review in 2008  came to the conclusion that this was "a dangerous myth" and those things don't go hand in hand. It may not have gotten any better since then  either. Information literacy is about knowing when you need information, and knowing how to find and evaluate it. Google leads us to information that the crowd is basicall...

The world is not a stage - it is many competing stages!

"All the world's a stage...." More akin to a three ring circus, the world offers a dizzying array of venues. Each venue if focused upon can and often does form deep impressions, these in turn can manifest a particular sense of reality for the audience and often does. Such uni-focal views constitute the constraint of self-realization. Simply, if a venue is able to captivate your attention it is likely it forms a lens or observation point which then filters and concentrates an individuals view of the world. It is probable said view is skewed and utterly biased. Stage production cultural or commercial conditioning can in fact define you and usually does. Conditioning in fact precludes achieving any sort of "freedom" at least of thought if not action. Molded and preformed--we are destined to remain conditioned regardless of personal instinct or preference. Advertising and "production" availability is paramount for captivating the target audience which thus...

Too Big for Jail! - Selective Law, for rich for poor!

I will not bore you with the endless cases of blatant larceny perpetrated upon world citizens by senior executives within the various banking and financial services sector for the past decade... it is probable the Internet has insufficient space to house the list anyway.  Suffice it to say, the extent of bald faced deceit and robbery by these scumbags rendered the entire global economy defunct, so large is this criminal activity it needs to be measured in hundreds of trillions of dollars. The net result is untold misery for millions around the globe , in fact the true extent of crass elitist travesty is quite beyond comprehension and it may take years to quantify the debilitating effect on citizens at large. Entirely complicit in enabling these heinous and despicable crimes with complete and utter impunity is governance, your paid representation who's ONLY purpose is to ensure legislation and conformance in the better...

In context or with co-text?

Photo by @Mr_Schenk via eltpics About a month ago I took part in a debate entitled Teaching Vocabulary: in or out of context where I was on the team defending teaching vocabulary in context. I hereby confess that on occasions I had to resort to unfair tactics to win the debate. While making the case for teaching vocabulary in context, I argued, for example, that the word goal should be taught together with either: achieve or score otherwise, there would be no way to distinguish between the two senses of the word. Or take the word key.  How can you know, I argued, whether it is a key to a door a key on a keyboard or a key to solving the problem In actual truth, what I was referring to is not context of a word but rather its  co-text . I first came across the term co-text when reading Michael Lewis's The Lexical Approach but later found out that it was probably first used by Michael Halliday, a systemic functional linguist, who distinguished between: co-text – the linguistic...