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What really happened? Global NWO Fascism! That's What!

Topic: Intensifying war on serious journalism--Suppression tactics based on fear and intimidation

All over the world common, ordinary folks are increasingly subjected to heavy handed or even diabolical treatment by their governance.

Laws and legislation is concocted without any askance of constituents, activities are conducted without input from the theoretical employer--the tax payer. Increasingly fear and intimidation is the vehicle of "out of control" governance.

Constitutions are being ridiculed while legislation oppresses.

Such treatment can only be described as fascist--a despicable, unacceptable  approach which HAS to be stopped! The New World Order is de-marked by tyrannical governance.

Fascism : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.

(This definition has been promoted beyond nation and is now a global aspiration. A one world government, a one world military with one world laws fueled by fascist dogma.)

Allow observable result in your region to bear this observation out as fact! Allow your discernment to function!

When noteworthy events happen, especially newsworthy events, we are usually presented with "face value" accounts. Often face value accounts are fine, there is no mystery... the cause of the event is obvious and a reader can accept the "story" as presented... it usually adds up.

However, many stories have what one could call a "credibility" blip, a detail of the story which simply does not make sense. Often the blip has one wonder and question what appears to be a "hidden" or "skewed" component to the "story." In these cases it can often be surmised that the event had a cause or  reason beyond the obvious.  In fact it may appear the incident was either contrived for purpose, or ulterior motive is evident.

In these cases it is reasonable to assume a person or persons conspired to stage the event for personal gain or advantage to a cause or mission. It seems to me this type of contrived event is becoming more prevalent...  so prevent in fact one is prudent to view all published material with a skeptical eye. Many times eventual result of the event confirms suspicion. We see that contrived event "A" leads to result "B" and the real truth of the matter is exposed.

A routine example of staged event is seen in daily stock market manipulation where "press releases" are used to pump up or deflate sectors and stocks. We see it when elitist scum manipulate financial affairs so they can profit from crass larceny, or folks that murder for eventual personal gain, or when corrupt politicians governments float cover stories to deceive or hide true intent. So prevalent has conspired activity become one is left bemused as to "What really happened or why?"

We live in a state of heightened and perpetual suspicion. Obviously not a healthy environment... The perpetrators of contrived and conspired events heap derision on folks who attempt to see beyond the obvious and ascribe demeaning labels to them, describing such folks as wild-eyed conspiracy theorists or fringe folk or even worse. Unfortunately the success rate of exposing contrived events is spectacularly high and so the scurrilous are losing traction in the slandering arena.

Chillingly, a new tactic is being employed by those that contrive and conspire to hammer us into a single subjugation  it is a strategy of preventing reporters, investigators and journalists even reporting events.

 Chilling Effect in Justice Dept. Inquiries
In a memo to his staff this week, Roger Ailes, the chief executive of Fox News, said, “We reject the government’s efforts to criminalize the pursuit of investigative journalism and falsely characterize a Fox News reporter to a federal judge as a ‘co-conspirator’ in a crime,” and that “we will not allow a climate of press intimidation, unseen since the McCarthy era, to frighten any of us away from the truth.”
Brave words... but who will be willing to take the chance... except folks like me.

A suppression tactic based on fear and intimidation, the highest form of bullying.

The gag is Cultural Marxism aka Political Correct... something we need to crush... asp!

As evident in past regimes based on suppression tactics this inevitably leads to revolt and anarchy, a prospect now almost guaranteed to occur not regionally... but globally. Knowing and accepting this can provide impetus to protest and even self-preservation in an increasingly chaotic environment.

For those of us interested in personal well-being and survival, I have the sense that NOW is the time to consider stark reality and exercise mitigation plans with added zeal. Look to history... it does repeat and offers best insight for future survival strategies.

This fascist encroachment is nothing new, however it has ballooned to encompass the globe.

Stay tuned...


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