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The absurdity of "Trickle Down" economics - Elitist Lies!

£100bn lost in tax avoidance by individuals
People using tax havens have deprived governments worldwide of £100bn in revenue, enough to end extreme poverty twice over, according to new figures published today by Oxfam.
I can tell you what does trickle down, effluent--from the mouths of corporate elitist liars and their bedfellows.

I know many sage and learned economics gurus wax wise about such theories as "trickle down" economics... that is nice for them... but many of us live in a practical world, sometimes with brutal reality.

The theory of "trickle down" economics posits that if the corporate elitist power-monger is provided with sufficient wealth... then they will create jobs and buy stuff therefore dripping nickels and dimes into the raggedy pockets of the unwashed masses... and everyone lives happily ever after.

Nice theory but amassed corporate and personal wealth seems to defy gravity and gravitates in all directions except down. It seems that a greater force than gravity, osmosis has a way of diverting and sopping up all spillage.
The total amount of lost tax revenue is far higher than £100 billion, as the figure only includes tax dodged by individuals, and not companies.
That is just a UK perspective, viewed world-wide the figure is beyond belief.

Taxation for the working class is exempt of course, tax is skimmed at source. Think 45% tilted playing field.

The extent of public knowledge about this outright larceny is well known, condoned by corrupt governance, practitioners of these public theft schemes are an astonishing industry.

14,000 tax avoidance schemes (sold) and counting...  

At the last count, since rules requiring the disclosure of tax avoidance arrangements to HMRC were introduced in 2004 there had been around 14,000 such schemes.
Or so we thought. Now it seems these might be far from the limit of the problem, as many "promoters" of schemes, such as accountants, lawyers and specialist "boutique" tax avoidance firms, are refusing to play the game.
Refused to play the game???? 

The government replaces the chips when the reckless corporate scum have made the wrong bet, using tax payer funds of course. Federal reserve banking schemes cram the vaults of zombie banks ensuring their viability.

But where does all this replacement "money go?"

From bitter experience - not to the street!

Pure unadulterated larceny perpetrated by corporations and condoned by corrupt politicians ranges far above NOT paying fair tax.

Rigged, fleeced, duped and scoffed at - Is EVERY Market Rigged?

If you believe corporations create jobs in any event - think again.

Who Creates Jobs? Not Who You Think- Perhaps.

What can be done? 

Due to the extent of corruption, lies and deceit within the system... probably not much from a macro view. Think of the system as a system of corruption, not a system with corruption within it. This realization is the start for considering personal options within it.

The conclusion is obvious, you are by and large on your own. 

There is no white knight or cavalry coming to right the atrocities. We have reached a point in time where personal survival comes back to street smarts and wits.

Anticipate global socioeconomic collapse.

Think self-sufficiency, think of sustaining yourself through alternate "economy" means, trade, barter, swap, re-purpose--do anything you can to avoid feeding the insatiable beast. Be within the laws of the land, but don't be fettered by provided conventional solutions. Strive for self-sufficiency at least to some degree.

Your circumstances and location will dictate what you can and cannot do... but there are strategies for everyone. Many groups exist and participants are willing to assist.

Remember, the actual issue is about distribution, not shortage.

As with money food is also plentiful yet elusive.... roughly 50% of all food produced is thrown away each day.

Above all else, consider where you are located... is it a waiting death trap?

Stay tuned....


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