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An Apple a day - Keeps the Tax man Away - Corruption.

Apple 'avoided $1m tax per hour' in US in 2012

I don't usually bother writing about specific corporate cases of chronic corruption, there are far too many to keep track of. I am making an exception in this case because the misery spread struck a chord with me.

I do realize a corporate entity is without soul and has no obligation to provide an individual with anything including a "job". I do realize elitist corporate power-mongers have but one focus, skimming wealth. I am not against wealth creation but when it includes despicable practices constituting wreckage of living environments, crass and obscene exploitation of human resources or despicable larceny and theft at the expense of citizens... then something need be said.

I also realize toady politicos wet their beak from the fountains of corporate travesty, I do realize that oversight of corporate activity is performed with the blind eye of collusion, I do realize that the individuals ensconced in corporate wrappers are immune and operate with impunity when legislation is transgressed.

If I realize all of that, then why in the name of justice is it allowed to prosper and blight the better interests of humanity? Enough already!

Too Big for Jail! - Selective Law, for rich for poor!

Apple saved billions in taxes by using Irish subsidiaries, report says...

Now I know at the end of day the story will swiftly move to the back pages, such is the volume and velocity of stories depicting elitist travesty it will soon be lost in the criminal act blizzard and subsequent study will show the apple worm was provided legal means to duck responsibility, worm hole... loop hole, call it what you may... and few will question who's rubber stamp enabled the crime.

As Apple CEO Tim Cook awakens Tuesday morning to prep for a hearing on Capitol Hill about corporate taxes, the lawmakers set to question him are armed with a report saying his company kept billions in profits in Irish subsidiaries to pay little to no taxes to any government.
In a 40-page memorandum released Monday, the Senate's Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations identified three subsidiaries that have no "tax residency" in Ireland, where they are incorporated, or in the United States, where company executives manage those companies.
The main subsidiary, a holding company that includes Apple's retail stores throughout Europe, has not paid any corporate income tax in the last five years. 
Apple 'among largest tax avoiders in US' - Senate committee

I suppose if you are in on this you are one of the "I'm all right Jack" folks. The fact that the burdens placed upon the backs of the great unwashed masses to make up shortfall, is surely their problem and not yours.

However, sustainability may become a bit of a thorn in your side as the stark reality of plundering without conscience manifests into an empty larder. 

They say "easy come, easy go" you may need to consider the specter of the "go" part for I am certain you are on the cusp of experiencing it. If you are prominent by your surpluses, you may want to feel uneasy, you are the sore thumb that sticks out... and soon you will be noticed.

I know you do not accept Karmic phenomena... yet history is bulging with examples... the rocks of right are littered with the bones of cruelty, greed and avarice. I wish you no harm for retribution has a way of knowing its business.

Change is the only certain thing... change is not coming... change is. A word to the wise, the elitist hand that buttered your bread is a psychopath and that same hand is capable of anything.

Choose your nut - Disturbing Link Between Psychopathy And Leadership

 As the blatancy of corporate and legislative corruption emerges folks will invariably move around that and render the "system" irrelevant. That is not my hope, it is more a product of the immutable universal law of balance and equilibrium, which like gravity motivates tendencies.

Watch with me as the houses of corruption crumble....

Stay tuned...


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