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Volunteered Self Extermination - Our new "Normal."

Coerced volunteered extermination... to boot.

Do you like where you live? Do you enjoy the prospect of grandchildren? Do you enjoy growing a few vegetables? Are you pleased when your child grasps the concept of 2 + 2 = 4?

Soon, these and many other "normal" aspirations will be deemed abnormal, and will become quaint notions of the past.

Why would this be? Because a committee of unqualified elitist power mongers said so.

A world without you and yours in it... is their preference... and so changes are in effect. Soon the desires of the individual will be sacrificed for the benefit of the collective--unfortunately the collective is an exclusive group and does not include us.


When a committee gets together to design a perfect horse the result will more resemble a camel, Design by committee is a disparaging term for a design process in which a team of persons, often representing organizations with an interest in the outcome, produce a design in collaboration with written proposals and meetings as the primary tools, or the outcome of such a process.

One maxim is that a camel is a horse designed by committee.

In 1992 an elitist committee was formed to review the pathway to their new elitist exclusive world.

In essence the plan calls for far less of us and a paradise setting for them. 

Unfortunately millions are volunteering (be it unwittingly) to become extinct as a family line, if not directly then in spirit. Many have taken the face value of provided deceit and condone or even fight for "collectivism"  eugenics and curtailment of personal aspiration--backed by entirely fabricated rational. 

(Prime eugenics agenda illustration, NWO creation of a Problem, their powermonger Reaction and inevitable self-serving Solution)

The justification or business case for OUR culling is a diabolical contraption they instituted... They called it the World Population Clock.

Of course the output from the clock is absolute fiction, but due to scientific collaboration the garbage it spews out has been sold as gospel and many folks actually believe the veracity of the number and the projected numbers of future human growth-which for the purpose of project plan requirement (The problem) are stunning in magnitude. Scary in fact...  if you are a dumbed down citizen who drinks this in.

Have you ever seen a "reporter" question the astronomical numbers generated by this world population clock computer? Or ask about the parameters it feeds on? Do you know the world is experiencing serious population and fertility rate drops, do you know many nations are offering incentives to counteract serious population drops?

Regardless... the magic world population clock spins ever upwards oblivious to any reality, while the gullible run about wildly parroting the milestone numbers as though they were the very foundation of truth.  

So, armed with the Magic World Population Clock head counts, the committee began the process of alarming us. (These links assist with factual assessment of WPC)

This great lie was soon swallowed hook line and sinker to the point where otherwise sensible and intelligent folk actually believe the numbers and of course begin to accept the inevitability of the committee solutions, which when viewed against the population growth lies, may even seem reasonable.

Many are now brainwashed into thinking the eugenics and depopulation (of themselves) is a grand idea and entirely logical! This represents the grandest form of volunteered extinction.

Or as I call it the Darwin effect.

So with "good reason" established and agreed by all... the "elite global committee" proceeded with fury.

Other fictitious alarming conditions were concocted to stiffen the appearance of the agenda, most well known are probably carbon counts, carbon footprints, global warming and a whole pile of other pseudo science incredibilities. Still, for the uneducated the deceit is unquestioned and a penchant of self-disposal is the new norm.

As an example of the absurdity of this self-anointed elitist committee logic--they determined that educated people are likely to have better paying jobs and as a result yield a bigger carbon footprint therefore (of course) the problem is... access to higher education and too much access to knowledge.

You may have noticed the serious decline of education opportunity and quality in your region--or you may have noticed your children are coming home with bizarre perspectives, or have been deemed to be too active and require medication...  or they are being instructed to accept blame without questioning. You may have noticed even more than this... but at least you now know why. State induced stupor.

So vast are the diabolical "solutions" to their contrived "problem" it is impossible to do justice in a single post.

I am not even trying to wake anyone up--some are "appropriate" to remain asleep, the universal law of equilibrium and balance can also be expressed as nature running its course... who am I to interfere with that.

For the rest of us... it can be comforting to realize and understand the forces around us, it can be empowering to seize back control and exercise personal mitigation of evil and natural hazard.

If you would like to explore the many other diabolical "solution" strategies of Agenda 21, the smell test includes anything which reference the magic world population clock numbers as a justification.

Most often these insanities are wrapped in the deceptive wrappers of  Sustainability and the Environment.

I know, they sound like Apple Pie and Motherhood... hence the deception.

If you are moved to resist UN Agenda 21, you will be in good company...

But remember... their stoolie articles go ahead and explains that everyone who does not believe the experts in any field without question... are basically mentally ill."

Are you a Denialist or Subserviant

When left unchallenged authority is apt to say, "We never saw that coming!"... as their ill-advised, wanton and reckless brainchilds backfire in OUR face. Strangely folks like us invariably saw it coming.

Stay tuned....


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