Woolwich - Fishy Things to be aware of...
Currently the UK has a weak government with strong ties and support for the EU -
There is a significant groundswell from the population to hold a public vote to leave the EU. The citizens were duped into supporting the EU as a trading scheme... not the all encompassing one world government it turned out to be.
The main opposition to EU is Nigel Farage leader of the fast rising UKIP party
... He is a thorn in the side of all things NWO.
The English Deference League (EDL) is a group of English patriots who want their country back. They are labeled as extremists and have taken the extreme route to bringing England back to the English, often violently through frustration.
Recently the EDL threw its support behind UKIP.
This embarrassed UKIP who are afraid they will be tainted by an extremist label and lose their reputation in other voting sectors.
The EDL mobilized swiftly to protest the Woolwich soldier death event and swore revenge.
Recently, 6 radical Muslims were tried in the Woolwich court, they had planned to bomb an EDL rally.
Should the Woolwich "event" develop into a race war, would UKIP and Nigel Farage be smeared and tainted and virtually taken out of the next election as a strong candidate?
Would this be a great benefit to the EU-UN-NWO and Tory support for it?
To whose advantage was the Woolwich event?
Was the Woolwich event staged for purpose?
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