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Showing posts from March, 2011

The Lightning-Scarred Planet Mars -- Part Two

INTERLUDE Our Electric Universe Stay tuned...

Human toll vs. Economic toll - No Contest! 8.9 on the Richer Scale.

As the fabric of society unravels and various natural disaster phenomena, economic meltdown and political upheavals gain steam, it may be occurring to some inhabitants that an "individuals" worth and value in the scheme of things is greatly eroding and diminishing as chaos spreads. With personal value and worth diminishing rapidly, people find themselves abandoned to a fate often bought on by premeditated reckless, ill-advised and wanton decisions made by "people above" in the name of bottom line profit and personal advantage, it is not difficult to see where priorities really are once the cover is blown. Even in the past two years, how many global "Ooops" moments have you witnessed or experienced? These are occasions when great calamity, disaster and inevitable human suffering aftermath occurs and where retrospect shows the degree of carnage could have been greatly diminished or avoided if "development" priority had included some measure of cons...

Earthquake Tsunami Nuclear Events - ETNE

Fifty years ago science discovered how to duplicate a nuclear reaction, one end result gave us the ability to heat water to produce steam. Steam driven generators produce electricity and so nuclear electricity generating stations were born. Today we have proliferated nuclear generating stations which dot the landscapes of the world. The basic design of nuclear steam boilers has not changed since inception of this wild eyed and ill-conceived technological "advancement." Any advantage ascribed to one of these "doomsday" contraptions is handily overwhelmed by their ability to snuff all life of the planet. I won't even debate the issue--it is a guaranteed path to irreversible demise of all specie on the planet if and when the fallout from the process gets loose into our air, food and water. I am told (of course) the risks are negligible, aren't they always when reckless profit is to be made? The average cost of building a nuclear reactor to boil water to make s...

AnDevCon Slides

Here are the slides from our presentations at AnDevCon : Android 3.0: Honeycomb and Get It . This presentation, with Romain Guy , was an overview of some of the highlights in the 3.0 release, for users and for developers. Androidimation: Animation in Android . This presentation discussed how to use the animation APIs in Android, including the animation classes in the SDK before 3.0 and the new animation system in 3.0. Enjoy.

Deadly Neglect - Your Nanny State is Killing you

~Ronald Reagan "The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help." As the general "knowing" accelerates and world populations hoist in the extent of elitist power-knob controllers willful neglect or worse, premeditated attacks upon their own citizens, I cannot help but think "the time is come!" Is it time to replace the hopelessly broken and perverted political systems of the world? Governance is far beyond repair. Tragic event after tragic event leaves in its wake the tell-tale signature of elitist controllers run amok.  If the system is not the fault then certainly incumbents are. Often these individuals occupy elected positions, these are probably the worst examples of human on human cruelty since they occupy positions of trust and realized their aspirations through promises seldom kept. This example of deceitful PUBLIC SERVANT is particularly odoriferous. Despots...