~Ronald Reagan "The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help."
As with all the other travesty illustrated--one has to believe "someone" knew the ramifications of the situation and chose not to disclose and even worse failed to act accordingly.
This wanton and reckless behavior... I term the "Willful Silence" - Or--the lie without words.
For the situationally aware it is good to note the system does work very well but extremely selectively... as a low hanging fruit, we the people are unlikely to transgress even minutely and remain undetected, for the self-anointed privileged and their self-prescribed entitlements... it seems they are accommodated every step of the way and invariably proceed with impunity. Outing a few scapegoats does not fool anyone.
A mutually beneficial approach is always the best... we should not rely on luck, the promise of hope or undefined change.
Regardless of our individual geographic location.
A Little Bit Of So Much Truth
Uploaded by littlerats. - Full seasons and entire episodes online.
Stay tuned...
As the general "knowing" accelerates and world populations hoist in the extent of elitist power-knob controllers willful neglect or worse, premeditated attacks upon their own citizens, I cannot help but think "the time is come!"
Is it time to replace the hopelessly broken and perverted political systems of the world?
Governance is far beyond repair. Tragic event after tragic event leaves in its wake the tell-tale signature of elitist controllers run amok.
If the system is not the fault then certainly incumbents are.
Often these individuals occupy elected positions, these are probably the worst examples of human on human cruelty since they occupy positions of trust and realized their aspirations through promises seldom kept. This example of deceitful PUBLIC SERVANT is particularly odoriferous. Despots who seized their power are at least just what they are and seldom hide under a false veneer of piety and double-speak as do the trusted elected and appointed who invariably drift from the requested mandate into the realm of influence mongers.
The weakness I must admit is in the electorate... who cycle after cycle promote and support a system of governance that long ago lost any semblance of fair and equitable representation for the constituent, if performance result is to be considered, quite the contrary in fact.
To correct this global travesty... is it perhaps not the time to pick parties and candidates... is it time to review the system itself and the processes which consistently drive it counter to a populations desires and wishes.
Is it time for social metamorphosis resulting in an entirely different governance model, one gaged to assist the citizens to succeed rather than all but guaranteeing their failure? Is the tail now wagging the dog and original intent of yesteryear government has run its course and is no longer workable or even relevant to modern need.
Every so often this type of governance breakdown occurs in history and if not attended to willingly finds solution the hard way... but finds resolution in any event. Pain encourages alternatives.
The average citizen has reasonable expectation and is looking for a fair and equitable environment which can be lived in comfortably. It is not as though expectations are unreasonable--surely it is not difficult to administer to these reasonable goals. As I look around at the decimated global landscape I have to wonder... "What bought us to this!"
With so much abject failure of platform promise evident today, is it time to acknowledge the system is broken and beyond superficial repair? Given the obvious severity of system failure--replacement is probably in order-- the sooner the better... while the capacity to do so still exists.
Track record shows an abysmal record of failure, not benign failure but cruel failure.
It is not difficult to see or experience the overwhelming influence of special interest groups, lobbies and all manner of influence peddling which tips the table in favor of the few at the expense of the many.
Enough is probably--ENOUGH!
We employ civil servants to look after our best interests, we employ legislatures to guard our best interests--
Why then are our better interests not even remotely served?
Not only our our best interests not served--but in many ways quite the opposite occurs and common folks are left in the lurch with all manner of injustice which were easily preventable if prevention had been a concern.
I would include a list of travesty and heinous neglect of citizens better interests here, but the internet would not be able to accommodate the vastness of examples, I will use a few topical, typical examples I am sure you will relate to.
But first let's start with a decade of result!
Untold misery and suffering for countless millions!
Attributable to... in whole or in part...
Invasion justified by fictitious evidence, inexplicable spontaneous collapse of very big buildings, destruction of economies, theft of citizens humble savings, approval and release of all manner of ill-advised, reckless noxious toxic products, abandonment when natural disaster strikes, approval to drill and kill the Gulf, diversion of tax payer contributions to corporate coffers, condoning obvious fraud, permitting and encouraging homelessness, encouraging job migration, allowing unfettered illegal incursion, bankrupting citizen funded welfare contingencies, deferring deficits to future generations, destroying the nuclear family unit, diluting savings through printing unimaginable quantities of fiat currency...
The devil in these... is in the details of course and the likewise travesty mounts as I type.
It is said one sets a thief to catch a thief and so I will end this rant with a quotation from a recent scapegoat of the global administration...
“These banks and these funds had to know there were problems,” Mr Madoff said, noting that he refused to answer many of their basic questions or show his trading records. “I wouldn’t give them any facts, like how much volume I was doing. I was not willing to have them come up and do the due diligence that they wanted. I absolutely refused to do it. I said, ‘You don’t like it, take your money out,’ which of course they never did.”“These banks and these funds had to know there were problems,”
As with all the other travesty illustrated--one has to believe "someone" knew the ramifications of the situation and chose not to disclose and even worse failed to act accordingly.
This wanton and reckless behavior... I term the "Willful Silence" - Or--the lie without words.
For the situationally aware it is good to note the system does work very well but extremely selectively... as a low hanging fruit, we the people are unlikely to transgress even minutely and remain undetected, for the self-anointed privileged and their self-prescribed entitlements... it seems they are accommodated every step of the way and invariably proceed with impunity. Outing a few scapegoats does not fool anyone.
A mutually beneficial approach is always the best... we should not rely on luck, the promise of hope or undefined change.
Regardless of our individual geographic location.
A Little Bit Of So Much Truth
Uploaded by littlerats. - Full seasons and entire episodes online.
Stay tuned...
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