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Human toll vs. Economic toll - No Contest! 8.9 on the Richer Scale.

As the fabric of society unravels and various natural disaster phenomena, economic meltdown and political upheavals gain steam, it may be occurring to some inhabitants that an "individuals" worth and value in the scheme of things is greatly eroding and diminishing as chaos spreads.

With personal value and worth diminishing rapidly, people find themselves abandoned to a fate often bought on by premeditated reckless, ill-advised and wanton decisions made by "people above" in the name of bottom line profit and personal advantage, it is not difficult to see where priorities really are once the cover is blown.

Even in the past two years, how many global "Ooops" moments have you witnessed or experienced?

These are occasions when great calamity, disaster and inevitable human suffering aftermath occurs and where retrospect shows the degree of carnage could have been greatly diminished or avoided if "development" priority had included some measure of consideration for the inhabitants who were drawn into "bulls eye" locations or situations?

How many times have you heard that the situation was unprecedented and therefore the experts could not have foreseen the event happening?

Levy failure, gulf oil drilling, earthquake activity, tsunami, nuclear plant meltdown... the list of recent catastrophe events is nothing short of jaw-dropping.

Whether the extreme changes are a result of natural disaster or elitist regime decisions on our behalf, it is becoming very apparent general populations have the role of victim without recourse.

Millions of innocent people all over the world are right now sitting on powder kegs of potential disaster of one kind or another.

We are reassured continually that conditions set up in the name of healthy economy are benign and the odd disaster exception to the rule is to be expected and the risks are therefore justified.

The risk to whom is never discussed.... although you may rest assured the perpetrators of these situations are far away from the risk situation they wrest their blood stained fortunes from. The amount of sycophant mouth pieces employed to keep the rosy color on the glasses is amazing. Anyone who dares to buck the odds is vilified,  discredited and demonized.

It is becoming ever important to hold your own council in these matters of looming individual risk.

There is one freedom still available to an individual on this prison planet, it is to make self-determined decisions and act upon them within the confines of your particular geophysical, socioeconomic or political locale, I would encourage everyone to size up their individual situation and make preparation to offset, decrease, mitigate or otherwise reduce their own exposure to a whole gambit of risks occurring across the planet.  I know this advice may seem redundant to many of you but I am never ceased to be amazed at how many folks are totally oblivious to what is happening around them or is looming on the horizon.

Once in a while we are treated to a slice of "honesty" from the realm of elitist power knob twisting servants, I always appreciate honesty and so offer thanks for this telling commentary. If you had doubts about elitist priorities this should help to clarify the pecking order of concern and where your welfare and wellbeing sit.

US TV host: 'Grateful' earthquake death toll is worse than economic toll
A TV and radio host shocked viewers when he said the human toll caused by the widespread death and destruction of the Japanese earthquake and tsunami was worse than the toll on the economy 'and we can be grateful for that'.
I am sure explanations will be forthcoming explaining the observation was not meant in the way presented...  I hope not because I do think honesty in these matters helps us all to comprehend and understand where the elitist mind set is and how it has complete and utter disregard for anything other than their personal wealth agenda's. Knowing and understanding this fact is useful in the matter of orchestrating personal efforts in the matter of situational awareness and preparation for personal risk management, be it physical or economic.

I do not even say they are wrong about their beliefs, they are what they are and will do what they do - that is what they are, predator of their own kind . We are not all imbued with humanitarian feelings or standards of compassion, recognizing that is not only interesting but potentially useful for survival in a melting down societal environment. You need to have your priorities as straight as theirs even if your goals are not the same.

The point is to understand that YOU are accountable to you and YOU should take steps to achieve a position of survival advantage, as do they. Hopefully you will not take the advantage by wronging others, it can be done without harm to the planet or it's inhabitants.

I can hear the elitist licking of chops as they calculate the "opportunity" this infrastructure re-build represents. What they see is 8.9 on the Richer scale!

Even if the elitist predator does not mean to be mean... remember this....

Any sufficiently advanced stupidity is indistinguishable from evil.

Stay tuned...


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