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Earthquake Tsunami Nuclear Events - ETNE

Fifty years ago science discovered how to duplicate a nuclear reaction, one end result gave us the ability to heat water to produce steam. Steam driven generators produce electricity and so nuclear electricity generating stations were born.

Today we have proliferated nuclear generating stations which dot the landscapes of the world.

The basic design of nuclear steam boilers has not changed since inception of this wild eyed and ill-conceived technological "advancement."

Any advantage ascribed to one of these "doomsday" contraptions is handily overwhelmed by their ability to snuff all life of the planet. I won't even debate the issue--it is a guaranteed path to irreversible demise of all specie on the planet if and when the fallout from the process gets loose into our air, food and water.

I am told (of course) the risks are negligible, aren't they always when reckless profit is to be made?

The average cost of building a nuclear reactor to boil water to make steam to spin a generator turbine has risen to about $5 billion capital cost plus operating costs... think about how to boil water, then think of nuclear Armageddon.

A nuclear reactor - TO BOIL WATER! Need I say more?

The cost to the planet when one of these nuke water boilers goes awry is incalculable since atomic radiation damage is almost impossible to quantify.

We are assured by corporate interests, public servants and their sycophant pocket science persons that risk from nuclear accident is a chance in a million and extraordinarily remote as chances go.

Building these nuclear generators in an area called the "ring of fire" carries with it a feeling of discomfort, what could possibly go wrong with that picture?

Unfortunately we may find out rather quickly...
Emergencies declared at 5 Japan nuclear reactors
Radioactive leak detected at one; thousands evacuated
TOKYO — Japan declared states of emergency for five nuclear reactors at two power plants after the units lost cooling ability in the aftermath of Friday's powerful earthquake. Thousands of residents were evacuated as workers struggled to get the reactors under control to prevent meltdowns.
In the interests of situational awareness, be advised that yet another deadly cloud of atomic fallout is likely over the next few months, will you be properly informed of where and who will be contaminated?

I doubt it, these matters always seem to get glossed over.

You may want to keep an ear to the ground and an eye on the jet stream winds and try to understand where this ill-wind blows.

There have been over 2000 Nuclear explosions since 1945. Explain global warming, cancer and disease outbreaks and extinctions to me again please!

Stay tuned...


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