The continuing saga - The replacement of capitalism with "debtism" - let the record show 2007-2012 to be the transition time-frame. Investment is a strategy of risking capital in the hope of yielding a profit. The higher the risk the greater the "implied" future reward. We are at a point where the risk of investing in anything is so obviously a losing gambit, I believe the usefulness of the strategy is no longer appropriate or even tenable as an economic "system." What we have now is an economic environment which is tantamount to loans becoming tender for investment in debt, debt supporting more debt--hardly a capitalistic scenario. I visualize a left arm giving a right arm a transfusion while a left and right leg are bleeding profusely, it may look comforting to the patient but in reality the final outcome will not be denied. Death will occur unless the blood flows are stanched and the deficit is replaced. In the case of the economy the source of replenis...