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Global Economic Probability - A Glance Ahead

The continuing saga - The replacement of capitalism with "debtism" - let the record show 2007-2012 to be the transition time-frame.

Investment is a strategy of risking capital in the hope of yielding a profit.

The higher the risk the greater the "implied" future reward. We are at a point where the risk of investing in anything is so obviously a losing gambit, I believe the usefulness of the strategy is no longer appropriate or even tenable as an economic "system." What we have now is an economic environment which is tantamount to loans becoming tender for investment in debt, debt supporting more debt--hardly a capitalistic scenario.

I visualize a left arm giving a right arm a transfusion while a left and right leg are bleeding profusely, it may look comforting to the patient but in reality the final outcome will not be denied. Death will occur unless the blood flows are stanched and the deficit is replaced. In the case of the economy the source of replenishment is shrinking while the deep gashes are by and large ignored. You cannot borrow yourself out of debt.

There is no doubt the global and regional economies cannot be resolved using conventional means - capitalism cannot function in an escalating debt based reality - the deficits in play on every level defy a mathematical solution.

The attempts at forestalling the inevitable - mass defaults - are bound to fail. What folks need to do is contemplate a world of chronic shortages, unemployment with companion civil unrest.

Economies will be re-invented by citizens (through need, not want) who will substitute trade, barter, swap, re-purpose and all manner of off the radar black and gray market strategies to stay viable.

This is not necessarily a doom scenario, in fact it may turn out to be a fantastic opportunity to clear the decks of the bloated elite self-interest faction and reduce them to irrelevancy.

In any event - the capacity to adjust as the inevitable occurs will be paramount, most of the adjustment required is mental.

There is only one viable solution - universal debt forgiveness, else--nature will take its course and do that for us. Voluntary default will become no-option default--BIG decisions make themselves if left unattended.

Review points along the way...

Beyond Prophecy...: Double Dip for Dummies 101
Aug 28, 2010
Being eminently qualified as a dummy in the vaporous field of technical financial affairs, I became intrigued with the latest snow drift of economic double dip headlines. There seems to be several schools of thought on the ...

Beyond Prophecy...: Double Dip - Unavoidable?
Jul 31, 2010
Lately, there have been rumblings about a so-called double dip phenomena surrounding the state of global economic conditions. Double-dip is an expression which means in effect, a phase two of the global economic ...

Beyond Prophecy...: Global Economic Meltdown - Act II
Aug 10, 2011
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Beyond Prophecy...: Structural Unemployment - Human Sink Holes
Aug 05, 2010
... 'on the road to deflation', warns Pimco boss El-Erian Mohamed El-Erian, the head the world's largest bond fund, has said the United States faces a one in four chance of suffering deflation and a double-dip recession.

Stay tuned...


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