Traditional end-of-year news quiz for the first lesson of the new year
Here's the 2022 edition of the annual news quiz some of you have already been asking me about. And yes, I did it myself - took me just a few days - without any assistance from AI! As you may know, ChatGPT has no concept of 2022 because its training ended in 2021, and it was basically useless (when I tried, it generated quiz questions based on fictional events, including a new pandemic and a divorce of a celebrity couple who broke up years ago).
Just like in the past two years - since the start of the pandemic - the quiz comes in several different formats, suitable for different teaching scenarios (face-to-face or online). And as usual, it's packed with lots of juicy lexical chunks and other vocabulary items for your students to explore.
The quiz is available in two levels:
- Advanced (B2+/C1 or higher)
- Intermediate (B1/B2)
and three formats, all of which can be edited if you wish to adapt them
- Google Slides presentation. To edit, click on File -> Make a copy
- Google Doc. To edit, click on File -> Download -> select the desired format
- a gamified quiz on Quizizz
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