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Why Activism Seems Futile-Yet the Cause is NOT! .

Those of us who see humanity gradually sinking into the clutches and influence of a self-professed higher order whose intent is subjugation ... and who would resist this tyranny in the name of individual rights and freedoms... are rapidly becoming phased out by a different mind-set, a generational planned obsolescence.

Fact is... we accept what we are born into, as will they.

Where you and I may have had the benefit of knowing and understanding a concept of a fair and equitable system positioned to offer individual opportunity, the past few generations have not.

In fact quite the opposite  has transpired.

Expectations have been set in young minds that individual rights and freedoms must be parked in favour of the common good. The common good of course... is a state predefined for them, replete with twisted reasoning and outlandish justification. Notwithstanding they are receptive, they have been shaped that way.

The ideals of competition have been eroded, replaced by the notion of consensus rules. Scoring and scores have been made irrelevant, participation with cooperation has replaced it. Facts and figures--replaced by group agreement. The enemy of the planet has been defined as humanity. Prime motivation such as succeeding has been replaced by entitlement expectations. Ambition replaced with apathy. Literacy replaced by disjointed "texts". Relationships reduced to pokes and conversation rendered token.

Chronic induced attention span deficiency -- achieved!

Traditional standards eroded and replaced by "anything goes", equates to populations becoming morally bankrupt. Nature, of course, abhors a vacuum... so replacing former cultural sanctity becomes a process of tapping crazed alternative into place.

These new conditioned ears are not conducive to our arguments or logic or warnings, they have been told to expect assault on their provided ideals by selfish, old-fashioned types who have ruined the planet.

They can't listen, they are drugged to inattention, they won't read beyond 144 characters because they can't, they won't debate because that is anti consensus, they cannot reason because reasoning requires critical thinking--a learned attribute no longer taught. In short... the conditioning is for future use... not now.

It is a slow and insidious planned societal subjugation transformation.

History has shown that trying to subjugate rapidly using brute force is ineffective. Attempts to force fit Marxism, fascism, and other forms of extreme socialism or even total population subjugation elicits violent push back... without preconditioned minds molded to accept, rejection is guaranteed, albeit painfully.

Seemingly, with a lesson learned the cycle of repeating history has been broken.

Once one disposes of a time-table, societal transformation becomes a marathon not a sprint. Small, incremental change slides by innocuously, larger changes more noticeable and onerous are announced then rejected repeatedly until over time they become "normalized" then entrenched.

Regardless, relentless sponsored change eventually prevails and society slips into the oppressors desire.

Absurd things become normalized, travesty becomes diluted, personal welfare becomes secondary, insanity seems acceptable and eventually resigned acceptance seals the deals.

The reason we activists are allowed and even encouraged to generate ever alarming clarion calls is because over time it all becomes background noise. Much of it is passed around cut and paste, much of it is over sensationalized, much of it is circulated only to the choir.

The sting of anti subjugation activism--softens to a docile jab, a steady state condition soon reduces "activist productions" to a semi-accepted genre without focus or clarity and often resembles infomercials for an authors upcoming book, another source of entertainment.

A dizzying array of concerns clouds fundamental root cause and imbibes a sense of discontinuity and incoherence for the message. In a way "movements" succumb to mirroring their professed adversary. Soon the uninitiated find the cause confusing... if not incredulous.

Such perpetual and ever rising diverse venting loses relevance in a population attuned to frivolity and novelty.

Even that activists channels are tolerated flies in the face of the clarion calls... surely if there was substance to it--the threatened and supposedly all powerful would shut it down?

Yet... in spite of all that...

Fortuitously, final resolution lies elsewhere, beyond the effort of alarmists... yet the efforts of the thoughtfully concerned are not in vain and should continue unabated.

A candle is a modest light, but can light a thousand more...

The "would be" subjugates plan is a clever plan, a plan beyond diabolical and heinous.

On paper it looks unassailable, yet in my heart of hearts I know it will never fully materialize. I know the indomitable spirit which carried us through the centuries transcends the folly of "pretenders to the throne,"... that when conditions warrant, humanity draws from depths unknown.

The immutable natural law of equilibrium and balance is sure to right the wrongs. Humanities capabilities are provisioned to stand the test of time, adversity and tyranny...

We are designed to be fail-safe--tried, true and tested... when called upon!

For my part I have raised several fine young folk... from whence I draw my certainty.

"Human - The Miracle of a Species" (Pitch Reel) from Niobe Thompson on Vimeo.

Stay tuned...


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