Extreme Change - this site is a situational awareness initiative. It is not history that repeats, it is the folly of humanity that does!
The inspiration for this site came from an anecdotal observation that the Earth and therefore its inhabitants were becoming subject to extreme changes, this was several years ago when red flags seemed to proliferate and changing conditions were becoming tangible.
It seemed appropriate to take note of said changes for the purpose of self-awareness. Being situationally aware is the most effective tool in the toolbox when personal well-being is a personal interest.
Global Disaster Watch 2011 - Prophetic Ongoing Trends
Surviving extreme changes is more a matter of removing oneself from the threat, rather than attempting to remove the threat. Threats of great magnitude are difficult to influence while exercising personal discretion is at least possible.
At the time of initial recognition, There seemed to be several distinct categories of extreme change to be aware of, each represents a situation of potential personal threat. When combined the causal origins are indeed ominous.
The categories of threat or opportunity (depending upon perspective) included:
The hope I suppose... is with the proper remedial activity and funding the "world" as we knew it can be returned to that longed for again "sweet spot" patch, where calamity was the exception and not the rule.
The implied promise is... not only returned to a place of fairly idyllic state--but "fixed" in that point of maximum convenience for humanity.
We are now awash in "fixers" sporting a multitude of blame and remedy... the only thing lacking is sufficient public purse to implement the proposed insanity.
Rather than join that fruitless fray, it seemed appropriate to accept certain inevitabilities and focus on "adaptation" as the primary way to mitigate personal impacts of immutable hard facts of life.
There is no shortage of risk zone information, and a search engine is your friend.
At the end of the day a person's sphere of influence is quite limited and is only useful in affecting personal changes.
Mainstream news is useful in that it does provide the daily indications of continued and escalating worsening conditions thereby validating the need for personal action.
Natural Disasters Quadruple - Insurers Getting Queasy?
The focus today is natural climate shift events, specifically flooding. Flooding is seen as the primary threat to human habitation in and on floodplain tracts, these are usually very easy to identify and avoid, if your focus is personal survival.
Three-Part Plan For Addressing Climate Shift -
1. Premiums
2. Fees
3. Taxes
While I understand the desire to thwart the unstoppable forces of nature in some distant future, I am of the mind that exiting such lethal locations "NOW"... to be a darn good start to self-preservation... but that is just me though. The goal is to survive so that when the "promised land" is delivered, you and your future stock can avail of it. Squatting in the maelstrom zones waiting... may not be the intelligent thing to do.
DEATH TRAP LIVING - It's the location stupid!
I advocate not waiting for government sponsored salvation--rather forge your own survival strategies.
Regardless of which particular extreme change is knocking at your door!
Compilation of recent flooding events...
Stay tuned...
The inspiration for this site came from an anecdotal observation that the Earth and therefore its inhabitants were becoming subject to extreme changes, this was several years ago when red flags seemed to proliferate and changing conditions were becoming tangible.
It seemed appropriate to take note of said changes for the purpose of self-awareness. Being situationally aware is the most effective tool in the toolbox when personal well-being is a personal interest.
Global Disaster Watch 2011 - Prophetic Ongoing Trends
Surviving extreme changes is more a matter of removing oneself from the threat, rather than attempting to remove the threat. Threats of great magnitude are difficult to influence while exercising personal discretion is at least possible.
At the time of initial recognition, There seemed to be several distinct categories of extreme change to be aware of, each represents a situation of potential personal threat. When combined the causal origins are indeed ominous.
The categories of threat or opportunity (depending upon perspective) included:
- Global economy. In 2007 was seen to be ripe for collapse, through universal corruption.
- Global climate shifting. In 2007 was seen to be escalating, through cyclic solar system movements.
- Global man made threat. In 2007 was seen to be more and more potent and prevalent. Through ill-advised, reckless profit motivated implementation of "progressive" science and technologies.
The combined effect of these runaway conditions contributes to...
- Socio economic collapse, which is a result, not the cause for alarm.
Often the discussion points of each become the conversation... and current mainstream "news" articles spend endless energy attempting to establish blame for the changes whilst providing commentary from various "informed" sources alluding to how they can be fixed.
The implied promise is... not only returned to a place of fairly idyllic state--but "fixed" in that point of maximum convenience for humanity.
We are now awash in "fixers" sporting a multitude of blame and remedy... the only thing lacking is sufficient public purse to implement the proposed insanity.
Rather than join that fruitless fray, it seemed appropriate to accept certain inevitabilities and focus on "adaptation" as the primary way to mitigate personal impacts of immutable hard facts of life.
There is no shortage of risk zone information, and a search engine is your friend.
At the end of the day a person's sphere of influence is quite limited and is only useful in affecting personal changes.
Mainstream news is useful in that it does provide the daily indications of continued and escalating worsening conditions thereby validating the need for personal action.
Natural Disasters Quadruple - Insurers Getting Queasy?
The focus today is natural climate shift events, specifically flooding. Flooding is seen as the primary threat to human habitation in and on floodplain tracts, these are usually very easy to identify and avoid, if your focus is personal survival.
2013 floods a "turning point"
GENEVA, 25 June 2013 - The Head of the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR), Margareta Wahlström, today predicted that the year 2013 will be a turning point in how governments around the world view the threat of floods in a new age of extreme weather events.
She said: "India, Nepal, Canada and many countries in Europe have experienced huge losses over the last two months due to intense precipitation events which have triggered extreme flooding affecting millions of people's well-being and livelihoods.
"The shocking loss of life in India underlines how vitally important it is that we start planning for future scenarios far removed from anything that we may have experienced in the past.
When we look at the worldwide escalation in economic losses from disasters over the last five years it is clear that our exposure to extreme events is growing and this trend needs to be addressed through better land use and more resilient infrastructure as we seek to cope with population growth and rapid urbanization.
"Flood management systems need to be designed so that even if they are overwhelmed by flood waters, the failure is not catastrophic.What you will see in response is:
Three-Part Plan For Addressing Climate Shift -
1. Premiums
2. Fees
3. Taxes
While I understand the desire to thwart the unstoppable forces of nature in some distant future, I am of the mind that exiting such lethal locations "NOW"... to be a darn good start to self-preservation... but that is just me though. The goal is to survive so that when the "promised land" is delivered, you and your future stock can avail of it. Squatting in the maelstrom zones waiting... may not be the intelligent thing to do.
DEATH TRAP LIVING - It's the location stupid!
I advocate not waiting for government sponsored salvation--rather forge your own survival strategies.
Regardless of which particular extreme change is knocking at your door!
Compilation of recent flooding events...
Stay tuned...
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