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'Earth will have 15 minutes to protect electronics' - EMP's

EMP is a high probability False Flag opportunity... either by (claimed) sun activity or rogue nation "attack." With increasing buzz about EMP... it is probably time to wonder about the much touted phenomena!

(Should power/communications fail for an extended period - cause may be difficult to establish)

Was power selectively "turned off" to create a population control mechanism with blame going to the sun or a rogue nation...  or....

The point is, should all communications, electronic devices and power supply experience extended failure, even in contained regional areas, it would be difficult to determine what, why or how the event precipitated... or what the likelihood of restoration or assistance may be. Folks would literally be in the dark.

For me this represents the worst case scenario for modern society, be it a natural occurrence or not. It is certainly worthy of contemplation especially since the advent of relatively low tech EMP inducing weaponry and noted solar activity abnormalities.

For many years I have advocated more attention be paid to a phenomena known as EMP or Electromagnetic Pulse emanating from the sun, not a hypothetical eventuality but one all but guaranteed to occur.

The impact of a sufficiently large discharge is known to have devastating effects on modern electronics and communications. In past times EMP events were nothing more than curiosity since those folks had no reliance on electrical devices. Today however, such an event would be catastrophic.

Curiously, this week I noticed many news articles addressing the issue... one could wonder why.

The frustrating aspect is these articles talk about the threat of EMP as though it is a startling revelation  it is not, the specter of an EMP catastrophe has been known for many years and governments have steadfastly ignored the threat.

Solar Storm Inevitable, Say Researchers
The scientists have predicted that high solar storm is unavoidable in near future. They have also added to the statement that a prediction of superstorm like this may be very late, approximately 30 minutes before it would actually happen.
Governments should prepare for solar superstorm
Such superstorms occur very rarely - perhaps once every century or two. The last one, known as the 'Carrington event', was in 1859, and led to telegraph stations catching fire.
UK needs to take action to prepare for extreme solar weather events
The UK should plan now to mitigate the effects of a rare but potentially serious solar superstorm, according to a report published by the Royal Academy of Engineering.
Although the UK is better prepared than many countries, there are areas where action is required to improve resilience.
The Academy's report, ‘Extreme space weather: impacts on engineered systems and infrastructure’, was drawn up with the help of experts from many different disciplines. It is claimed to be the UK's first in-depth assessment of the potential impacts of solar superstorms.
 Solar superstorm overdue
Scientists are saying the earth is overdue for a solar superstorm that could knock out electronics, power grids and communication satellites.
 Solar 'superstorm' expected to hit Earth soon
A solar 'mega storm', expected to hit Earth in the near future, could knock out the planet's communication satellites, cause power cuts and disrupt crucial navigation aids and aircraft avionics, experts have warned.
The extreme space storm is caused by the Sun ejecting billions of tons of highly energetic matter traveling at 1609344 kilometers per hour.
However, engineers say it is impossible to predict more than about 30 minutes before it actually happens, 'The Independent' reported.
 'Earth will have 15 minutes to protect electronics'
WASHINGTON – Scientists around the globe are joining those in the United States in becoming alarmed at the possibility of a plasma cloud from a solar superstorm that could wipe out vast electronics networks, because they say Earth would have only a notice of about 15 minutes.
This recent flurry of "concern" should be taken seriously, loss of electricity and communications over an extended period would throw the developed nations back into the 18th century--many would not survive such a time-travel experience.

Stay tuned...


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