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Even a worm will turn - Journalists in peril & growing concerns!

This week I read a report whereby journalists in Greece were targeted with bombs... ostensibly because of their seeming support for crushing governmental austerity measures. It seems the gap between theoretical, abstract tough love meted out to the citizens and resulting actual pain and anguish may be rapidly intersecting.

Journalists in Greece Are Becoming Targets
The Greek police on Saturday were looking for the people responsible for detonating makeshift bombs at the homes of five journalists in Athens, the latest in a series of actions taken against reporters in Greece who have raised questions about a deteriorating climate for media freedom.
An anarchist group calling itself “Lovers of Lawlessness” claimed responsibility for Friday’s attacks, citing coverage of the financial crisis that the group denounced as sympathetic to the austerity programs being imposed by the Greek government and its foreign lenders.

Are attacks on journalist the tip of a giant iceberg?

There is an old saying...

"Even a worm will turn"... is an expression used to convey the message that even the meekest or most docile of creatures will retaliate or get revenge if pushed too far, and that circumstances can bring a change of fortune.

The phrase originates from William Shakespeare's play Henry VI, Part 3

As the crushing weight of collapsed global financial and economic reality gradually settles upon the backs of hapless global citizens, (the malaise is not region limited)...  one could wonder if "turning worms" will be the characteristic of 2013.  

All over the globe regional economic conditions are retracting eliciting a predictable response from reckless, ill-advised governance as they spread the hurt onto their citizens at large while protecting the elite.

You are all familiar with the economic situation... through chronic dereliction of duty or even worse... the self-anointed elitist governance of the planet allowed and even encouraged outrageous abuses of the socioeconomic machinery, so much so... the global new world order economy spontaneously collapsed in 2008, and has been settling ever since. Be the collapse by design or cruel intent is now irrelevant, what is relevant is how to cope.

Beyond Prophecy - Meltdown Result! - Socio-Economic Protests and Unrest

The result is a world of unsupportable inter-commerce and unsustainable credit liabilities, in short, sovereign revenues totally incapable of meeting cost obligations due to obscene debt leveraging. Certain exclusive nests were feathered but at the expense of the disenfranchised masses. 

The prognosis for 2013 is the same as stated in 2008, shrinking GNP's, growing unemployment, rising costs,  shortages, shrinking entitlements and benefits, widening of the "have - have not" gap and rapidly escalating taxation. At higher elevations nations simply cannot trust their neighbors, balance sheets suggest imminent insolvency and being told the "check is in the mail" no longer cuts the mustard and so the war beat is destined to go on.
How the Government Failed to Fix Wall Street
Four years have passed since Lehman Brothers’ collapse; two since the pesident signed financial reform into law; one since the occupation of Zuccotti Park. But the Justice Department has yet to convict a single high-profile banker. And despite the Dodd-Frank reform package, critics suggest that the system is hardly safer than it was in 2008—from JPMorgan’s beached “whale” to MF Global’s missing billions. In a recent report (PDF), the International Monetary Fund called the capital markets just as “vulnerable” to crash and fraud as they were four years ago.
Yes, you will see as many news reports crowing "recovery" as you will see blogs that call bull poop.

Your personal discernment in the matter of current affairs and probabilities is paramount for the purpose of self-preservation in an increasingly hostile environment.

Draw your own conclusions and above all else administer to your own affairs... as best you can for the prevailing conditions. 

It is a safe assumption that the inept or corrupt elitists who bought us here are unlikely to change their stripes in favor of serving your best interests now, those interests are yours to serve.

Stay tuned...


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