We are all familiar with the standard news sections, typically we flip to our personal area of interest... be it sports, travel, entertainment, business or world events and so forth, never did I ever imagine a mainstream newspaper would feel the need to add a section devoted specifically to the genre of Financial Crime. Yet, here it is in black and white. So corrupt has the world of finance become... financial crime now commands a specific section in the Telegraph newspaper.
Such is the volume and degree of daily and weekly financial crime it now commands a "section" all its own.
The cost of such fiscal felony crime is almost incalculable since it comprises personal ruination for the victims and contributes to the imbalance of the capital system, which even without such criminal interference is teetering on the edge of demise with little hope of sustainability.
Unfortunately our leadership seems loathe to prosecute this form of "white collar" crime and instead seems to regard fiscal larceny as a fraternity level mischief, often referring to the crime in the context of "scandal" or a mischievous shenanigan perpetrated by naughty boys and girls.
We now find ourselves in a seriously compromised society where anything goes and moral compass is but a quaint, old fashioned notion. Gradually, society has been desensitized to a point of abject apathy in all regards leaving it entirely vulnerable to promiscuity of every kind... the result is a society thwart with hopelessness and resignation. Such stresses are certain to lead to an escalation of insane behaviors as individuals snap under the strain of socioeconomic disparity. Many current headlines allude to instances of severe social collapse riding in tandem with multi-level, local and regional economic collapse.
The Fiscal Cliff
The so-called fiscal cliff refers to a situation whereby automatic legislation triggers a series of deep cuts to Federal spending while significantly raising personal and corporate taxation for the citizens of the United States of America... unless leadership finds an alternative (less severe) way to balance the books before the deadline.
Sadly, whether the fiscal cliff is avoided or not will not solve the insolvency of the United States of America. Neither will the policy of printing a trillion dollars a year under the auspices of "quantitative easing"
The Next Crisis
Unfortunately, the fiscal cliff isn't the only problem facing the United States right now. At some point in the first quarter, the country will again hit the "debt ceiling" - the same issue that roiled the markets in the summer of 2011 and prompted the automatic spending cuts that make up a portion of the fiscal cliff.
What is the fiscal cliff and the next crisis?
What to expect...
We can only surmise the outcomes and ramifications of negative societal change as populations strive to cope with a myriad of burdens ranging from ever increasing natural disasters, man made travesties of every kind and the compounding fact of continued economic collapse.
Stresses such as these are bound to manifest increased levels of mental instability with resulting abhorrent behaviors within affected geographies and communities.
For those of us interested in minimizing and mitigating personal impacts of deteriorating social climates--it becomes important to recognize and accept the new realities with a view to adapting for the sake of self preservation.
Unfortunately fellow citizens represent a real threat as they find themselves ever disenfranchised from what was hitherto regarded as a rightful place in a bountiful situation and find themselves hapless victim of the unscrupulous and the abysmally managed regional and global economy.
As the pools of income opportunity dry up and as anticipated entitlements fail to materialize or shrink... many will find themselves unable to fund even a rudimentary lifestyle.
Under such conditions it is highly likely populations will find themselves subjected to escalating crime waves and in extreme situations ever rising violent conditions. Anticipating these coming events can go a long way towards forging a personal situation awareness outlook and will certainly aid in developing a tenable coping strategy useful for decreasing anticipated negative environments.
In the coming months we are certain to experience much higher unemployment and taxes coupled with chronic slashing of public services a combination known to fuel widespread civil unrest.
Stay tuned...
Such is the volume and degree of daily and weekly financial crime it now commands a "section" all its own.
Financial Crime
The latest news on financial crime, insider trading, fraud and financial crime security.
The cost of such fiscal felony crime is almost incalculable since it comprises personal ruination for the victims and contributes to the imbalance of the capital system, which even without such criminal interference is teetering on the edge of demise with little hope of sustainability.
Unfortunately our leadership seems loathe to prosecute this form of "white collar" crime and instead seems to regard fiscal larceny as a fraternity level mischief, often referring to the crime in the context of "scandal" or a mischievous shenanigan perpetrated by naughty boys and girls.
We now find ourselves in a seriously compromised society where anything goes and moral compass is but a quaint, old fashioned notion. Gradually, society has been desensitized to a point of abject apathy in all regards leaving it entirely vulnerable to promiscuity of every kind... the result is a society thwart with hopelessness and resignation. Such stresses are certain to lead to an escalation of insane behaviors as individuals snap under the strain of socioeconomic disparity. Many current headlines allude to instances of severe social collapse riding in tandem with multi-level, local and regional economic collapse.
The Fiscal Cliff
The so-called fiscal cliff refers to a situation whereby automatic legislation triggers a series of deep cuts to Federal spending while significantly raising personal and corporate taxation for the citizens of the United States of America... unless leadership finds an alternative (less severe) way to balance the books before the deadline.
Sadly, whether the fiscal cliff is avoided or not will not solve the insolvency of the United States of America. Neither will the policy of printing a trillion dollars a year under the auspices of "quantitative easing"
The Next Crisis
Unfortunately, the fiscal cliff isn't the only problem facing the United States right now. At some point in the first quarter, the country will again hit the "debt ceiling" - the same issue that roiled the markets in the summer of 2011 and prompted the automatic spending cuts that make up a portion of the fiscal cliff.
What is the fiscal cliff and the next crisis?
What to expect...
We can only surmise the outcomes and ramifications of negative societal change as populations strive to cope with a myriad of burdens ranging from ever increasing natural disasters, man made travesties of every kind and the compounding fact of continued economic collapse.
Stresses such as these are bound to manifest increased levels of mental instability with resulting abhorrent behaviors within affected geographies and communities.
For those of us interested in minimizing and mitigating personal impacts of deteriorating social climates--it becomes important to recognize and accept the new realities with a view to adapting for the sake of self preservation.
Unfortunately fellow citizens represent a real threat as they find themselves ever disenfranchised from what was hitherto regarded as a rightful place in a bountiful situation and find themselves hapless victim of the unscrupulous and the abysmally managed regional and global economy.
As the pools of income opportunity dry up and as anticipated entitlements fail to materialize or shrink... many will find themselves unable to fund even a rudimentary lifestyle.
Under such conditions it is highly likely populations will find themselves subjected to escalating crime waves and in extreme situations ever rising violent conditions. Anticipating these coming events can go a long way towards forging a personal situation awareness outlook and will certainly aid in developing a tenable coping strategy useful for decreasing anticipated negative environments.
In the coming months we are certain to experience much higher unemployment and taxes coupled with chronic slashing of public services a combination known to fuel widespread civil unrest.
Stay tuned...
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