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Austerity Bomb... Detonation 2013

Much is written about the pending "fiscal cliff..." mostly the conversation revolves around how to avoid the automatic increases in taxation coupled with the slashing of government spending, solution is seldom mentioned.

There are exceptions however...

Pay Raise For Congress, Federal Workers

Even though the deficit and debt issue has been on the radar for years, nothing has been done to address the issue and now the time has expired... in politics it seems if not for the last minute... nothing would ever get done.

Both significant tax increases and deep spending cuts are entirely necessary if sovereign debt slide is to be arrested and slowed to a manageable place, this truism may set the stage for 2013 as doltish world leaders face the unsolvable problem of shrinking income and burgeoning costs of operation, this is a global issue and so carries global impact.

Amazingly the cast of characters who manufactured this obscene situation remain in place and profess to hold the solutions to the effects of their crass fiscal mismanagement stupidity!

This period represents the "hangover" stage of elitist world leaderships drunken spending spree as they vied for personal wealth or power creation on the backs of their hapless constituents whose means of personal economy was variously undermined, obliterated or diminished by their reckless, ill-advised strategies.

As 2012 comes to an end it may be interesting to project forward into 2013, what will the nature of 2013 be?

Back in July 2012 I submitted a projection for 2013 entitled Financial Crisis - Perfect Storm 2013.

Since nothing of noteworthy positive action or activity has manifested in the past six months I stand by the conclusions drawn at that time.

The public thinks there is a debt crisis, not an austerity crisis.

The difference may seem superficial but in real terms the effect of a governments retraction from citizen  support obligations have proven catastrophic for the struggling majority of a nation. The rich and privileged can weather these bumps in the road--but the less fortunate are hammered by such proposed austerity measures which invariably cut to the quick and yield painful result to an average citizen.

When one has contributed to the sovereign coffers over the span of a work-life... one should expect a fair return on that contribution, especially in times of most need. Saving and investing has proved fruitless since these modest pools of comfort have been raped and pillaged by unscrupulous elitist interests. For most starting over is not an option for they have run out of road.

As 2012 ends, many find themselves living hand to mouth with no economic certainty whatsoever--the tax fueled social safety nets have been or are being squandered away through irresponsible management or even downright larceny.

It is one thing to lose ones livelihood as is happening to the shrinking workforce--certainly that is bad enough, but when compounded by severe spending cuts of government...  populations are subjected to untenable losses of fundamental services and support right at the time they are needed most.

We do know one thing going into 2013, a form of forced self-sufficiency will become the de facto standard for most folk caught up in the aftermath of the catastrophic failure of the New World Order global economic experiment.

While one percent literally made out like bandits, the vast majority of the world population finds themselves well and truly duped, demoralized, disfranchised, devalued and devastated.

There is no sugar coating the stark reality of the next few years... as much as I offer encouragement it is not for some mythical elitist sponsored salvation, it is for self motivated realization of reality combined with a resounding rejection of absurd global leadership and their simpering solution of centralized world governance   couched to imply the advantage of one world government and control.

We have tasted the bitter fruits of a centralized economic power grab and can see and feel the tragic result.

Let the lesson be well learned and not repeated in the future.

It is time to set reasonable personal expectations and grasp destiny as a personal objective... it is time to think small but effectively, it is a time to develop village philosophies with reasonable attainable goals of self-sufficiency.

It is a time to tend our own backyards and forge a decent legacy for our children.

Stay tuned...


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