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Hurricane Sandy - The Age of Suspicion

The age of suspicion, NOT paranoia.

A few decades ago... record storms could be wholly attributed to natural events and circumstances.

Since the advent of extreme technology and demonstrated ill-advised use of it... we now live in a period where the waters of understanding are thoroughly murky and clarity of cause and effects is blurred.

As our world spirals into a state of chaos and overwhelming changes, we can never deduce the causal patterns since government has succumbed to the desires of corporate interests and routinely approves insane implementation of horrendous practices which are known to carry risk far beyond the sensibility of any good purpose.

We have lost all semblance of established baseline, a must if one is to understand what is going on and why. The crime scenes are so trampled with self-anointed elitist boots that we may never know the extent of their culpability.

Who knows what impact insane application of technology has contributed to the ever escalating phenomena of natural disaster.

Gulf oil spill, Fukushima spilling toxic filth and a thousand other hare-brained, ill-advised, wanton... elitist sponsored... reckless money grubbing schemes have had... and continue to have a disastrous impact on our essential life support systems? This is just an acknowledged fact and not a supposition.

We do know that unintended consequence with tragic consequence is a monotonous result of elitist corporate activity enabled by governance approval. 

The scale of aftermath catastrophe is unfathomable.

What we do know is this...

  • HAARP/CERN tech and weather manipulation are a well documented fact.
  • What that serves to do is make it murky when events like this occur.
  • NWO-UN is also a well established corporate sponsored reality (did you vote for it?)... chaos and uncertainty are always good for business, that is also a fact.
  • Whether natural or not... chaos and destruction is used to serve ulterior purpose, another fact.
  • How much of current turmoil is attributable to elitist meddling will always be in doubt.
  • Smelling rats is a wise thing in an age of insanity. 
DEATH TRAP LIVING - It's the location stupid!
Remember those who would profit from misery always operate in a mode of inspiring "disbelief" in those of us who have retained sentient dispositions... the trusting are their advantage, suspension of belief is always a strategy for the heinously motivated and so far they have managed to maintain that aura around their deeds, the more unbelievable the act, the less it will be questioned.

If you are smelling a rat... that is understandable... for rats are about in plenty.

Stay tuned...


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