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2012 Global Peace Index - Ministry of Peace

Bought to you by the Institute for Economics and Peace, NO!... Not peace and economics, economics THEN peace. I suppose it is good to hi-light the main thrust of the institutes concerns so we can grasp their main interest and priority.

It seems upheaval, at least willy-nilly unplanned bickering among nations disturbs economic sweetness, diminishing the opportunity for maximizing corporate profits. 

Well... any improvement in world peace is good in my book no matter, so I will not quibble the point. It could well be "peace" as a commodity could be a viable industry spawning many opportunities for peace-keepers and the peace keeping industrial sector, according to this trend peace is about having a packaged peace product to peddle. 
The world has become more peaceful for the first time since 2009, according to the 2012 Global Peace Index. All regions excluding the Middle East and North Africa saw an improvements in levels of overall peacefulness.

The Global Peace Index ranks 158 nations according to 23 dimensions of peace; the Institute also produces national peace indices giving an in-depth analysis of internal levels of peace.

Violence Containment
20Th Sep 2012

The Institute for Economics and Peace provides a new methodology to categorize and account for the economic activity related to violence and being able to measure "peace" certainly provides a basis from which to approach improving it. It seems the improvement will hinge on containment so be prepared for that.

Containment these days is a rather a sinister prospect, it reminds me of the notion "protective custody", whether you want it or not. I suppose if you are to be made safe you have to be sequestered in some fashion or another, how else can your "peace" be assured.

Me? I would prefer taking my own chances, I am already so stripped of rights I feel positively naked.

Key findings...
  • Violence containment cost the U.S. $2.16 trillion per year, that’s one in every seven dollars.
  • If violence containment were an industry it would be the largest industry in the U.S.
  • Federal expenditure has expanded in the last ten years, increasing by 15%
  • The size of Violence Containment is equal to the entire UK economy
  • A 5% reduction in Violence Containment spending for 5 years would provide the capital to rebuild the nation’s levees systems, update the energy infrastructure and complete the upgrading of the nations school infrastructure.
‘The study evidentiates that even small reductions in Violence Containment spending would result in a meaningful stimulation to the U.S. economy’ Steve Killelea.

Role of Business in Building Peace
  • Describing the business response to risk
  • Investigating the role of peace and conflict in investment decisions
  • Defining why peace is important to corporations and integrating peace metrics into standard business analytic tools
  • Peace through commerce
So... if you are one of the millions out there struggling to put your life back together after having your neighborhood smashed into rubble by the "official war machines", take hope... for there are swarms of entrepreneurial types amassing on the boarders with a mind to bringing you nice packaged big box peace, the kind that will undoubtedly come at a very nice price... but wait there's more... first we have to outfit you with "containment"... or the warranty will be no good. 

As with all these initiatives I do have to wonder about motivation and intent, the safer I am made, it seems the less I can go about my business of living, the funny thing is I do not remember asking anyone to make me safe and the fact is all the things that make me feel unsafe were induced, condoned or implemented by these people (the self-anointed elitist guv-corp fraternity) who have my best interests at heart... or so they keep telling me.

(I wonder then at the total and utter ruination inflicted by these dolts in all of my desired comfort zones then to suggest the very same crew can reemerge as my saving grace and salvation, do i suspect "protection" money is the next iteration? No prize for the correct answer.)

For the folks interested in personal situation awareness and subsequent self preservation in a chaotic environment, I would not relax on account of corporate and governmental swaddling plans for your comfort and well being...  It is as they say about economics, peace is just the product and we all know how that turns out.

Peace should make sense, not cents. 

And why? I wonder... do they make it seem as though the citizens caused all the heinous unnecessary havoc and destruction across the globe. Seems to me that would be the self-anointed elitist cabals who do that.

Makes me wonder who or what should be contained.

Declaration of invasion is not made at a suburban family breakfast table is it? 


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