والعصى والحجارة سوف تكسر العظام ولكن الكلمات لن للاساءة.
Celebrating 300 posts.
Today I was dismayed to read that the right to self-expression, (at least outside of a persons mind and thinking) is being assailed yet again. Over the past few decades I have watched in fascination as my prior and rather plump rights as a human being within civilized society have been slowly but surely rendered down to a mere fraction of what those rights once were.
A few hundred years ago MY society realized and recognized the wisdom of NOT confusing noises with physical harm and so introduced a ditty for the children and immature to learn from, it is how my society helped to leverage itself out of the stone-age, and is probably still relevant for cultures who should wish to do likewise. It is a sad affair when sentient humanity loses desire to advance intellectually.
Sticks and stones will break my bones--But words will never harm me.
And of course you are very welcome.
Stay tuned...
Celebrating 300 posts.
Today I was dismayed to read that the right to self-expression, (at least outside of a persons mind and thinking) is being assailed yet again. Over the past few decades I have watched in fascination as my prior and rather plump rights as a human being within civilized society have been slowly but surely rendered down to a mere fraction of what those rights once were.
I am at a point now in this over zealous political correctness madhouse we call modernized society-- whereby I am reluctant to look at a fellow being sideways lest I be pilloried for some infraction against said beings sensibilities.
Rights have been whittled to privileges, privileges have been brutally rationed and I, like you have been reduced to a thought box with little or no capacity to express.
The constraints applied to personal mores, (to a point)--did make sense in the initial parsing of socially accepted behaviors and I believe many of us did see a brief period where public behavior and attitudes did swing to a place of tolerant acceptability.
Unfortunately though, that point was passed long ago and the intent of socializing society to be hyper tolerant of EVERYTHING has now become the reason NOT to be tolerant.
Unfortunately though, that point was passed long ago and the intent of socializing society to be hyper tolerant of EVERYTHING has now become the reason NOT to be tolerant.
This unintended consequence is due to the tendency of sanctimonious "do-gooders" to sell far beyond the cloth in matters of warm and fuzzy thinking... "What do you think," has now displaced "What do you do."
Societal judgments are now based on how and what you think rather that what you do, in my world what you do is important, what you think is not. You may even share what you think and I care less. If I reach a point where someones expressed thoughts dictate my state of mind, I will have placed myself under that influence. That is not going to happen in my case, I attribute that to my level of maturity and ability to discriminate and discern thought-forms in a reasonable and adult fashion,
I often provide huge discounts for other folks thoughts, in that regard I am always generous, sometimes to a fault.
Speaking of the child-like... we are faced with yet another infantile hissy fit, normally such immature outbursts would be a nuisance factor only, but in this case the child-like are in a position of world power and influence and are likely to impinge their little grubby elitist power mongering posturing upon my lifestyle with yet more intolerable sanctions on my creator given rights to express myself.
At UN General Assembly, Algeria joins calls to limit free speech
UNITED NATIONS — Algeria demanded new efforts Saturday to limit freedom of expression to prevent denigrating attacks on Islam, appealing to the United Nations to take a lead as nations engaged in new debate on the tensions between free speech and religious tolerance.The last time I checked words and sound tracks draw no blood, noise from a human throat lasts but one instant then harmlessly dissolves into the air... now it seems said noise is to be categorized on par with some sort of WMD or other lethal contraption, the use of which will carry dire consequence.
A few hundred years ago MY society realized and recognized the wisdom of NOT confusing noises with physical harm and so introduced a ditty for the children and immature to learn from, it is how my society helped to leverage itself out of the stone-age, and is probably still relevant for cultures who should wish to do likewise. It is a sad affair when sentient humanity loses desire to advance intellectually.
Sticks and stones will break my bones--But words will never harm me.
"Sticks and Stones" is an English language children's rhyme. It persuades the child victim of name-calling to ignore the taunt, to refrain from physical retaliation, and to remain calm and good-natured. It is reported[1] to have appeared in The Christian Recorder of March 1862, a publication of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, where it is presented as an "old adage" in this form:
Sticks and stones will break my bones
But words will never harm me.
The phrase also appeared in 1872, where it is presented as advice in Tappy's Chicks: and Other Links Between Nature and Human Nature, by Mrs. George Cupples. The version used in that work runs:
Sticks and stones may break my bones
But names will never hurt me.
This sentiment is reflected in/reflects the common law of civil assault, which holds that mere name-calling does not give rise to a cause of action, while putting someone in fear of physical violence does.
I note that the date today in some countries is 14 Dhu al-Qada 1433That sounds like an appropriate point in time to incorporate some sage guidance into the minds of errant children living in that time period, Here it is... والعصى والحجارة سوف تكسر العظام ولكن الكلمات لن للاساءة.
When all gets said and done I hope my pointers are taken in the spirit of goodwill for that is my intent, we share this shrinking world regardless, and it behooves us ALL to be subjected to chaotic and insane approaches, actions or misguided direction when so much positive relationship could be established and maintained as we ALL mostly desire. It is a ship we will regret missing--if it sails without us.
For the situationaly aware... do not expect a positive change in world events soon, quite the contrary... look to your own good and resolutions because at the end of the day that's all you really have, there is no hope of an intelligent solution or assistance from the current crop of self-anointed, doltish elitist world governance.
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