The tribulation is a purported period of a seven year misery for humanity--according to prophetic scriptures, or some translations of them.
It is written "For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be." Matthew 24:21"
Setting religious connotation aside--we could be forgiven if we engage in idle conjecture around the topic of a "great tribulation"... for certainly in the fast waning days of 2011 we have been exposed to inordinate displays of misery inducing events over the past several years.
Most notably...
- Ever escalating natural and man-caused Eco-disasters...
- Coupled with a seemingly inevitable total collapse of global economic structure...
- Garnished with a noticeable upheaval of many countries engaged in governance overthrow and replacement.
Certainly these conditions and events could be viewed as conditions worthy of a tribulation period.
If I had to guess I would say THIS seven year tribulation period began on October 15, 2007, if so then we need to anticipate a steep downhill, rapidly degenerating situation lasting until the Fall of 2015...then, apparently it gets worse since a judgement becomes due.
Even so... humanity has demanded NO trial in the matter of various catastrophic collapses, governance failures and rampant acts of larceny and corruption... perhaps some kind of higher order intervention is appropriate.
We often speak of trials and tribulation but recent events have apparently evaded the trial component while travesty is committed with apparent impunity.
Why Isn't Wall Street Behind Bars?
When Inside Job won the Oscar for best documentary the director Charles Ferguson got onstage and said to the world:
"Forgive me, I must start by pointing out that three years after our horrific financial crisis caused by massive fraud, not a single financial executive has gone to jail, and that's wrong."
Economic Tribulation without trial. Surely we need to be curious as to why not, act of God could be the defense I suppose, a "force majeure?"
Even anecdotally most folks acknowledge the phenomena of ever increasing natural disasters around the world... this image deals specifically with the United States disaster record but I think it is safe to say the trend is globally applicable.
Natural and man-made disasters
Swiss Re, a reinsurance company, puts global economic losses from natural and man-made disasters in 2010 at $218 billion, more than three times the previous year’s figure of $68 billion.
Corruption fanned global political unrest says watchdog
An anti-bribery watchdog has said corruption played a key role in the political upheaval in the Middle East and across the world in 2011.
What tribulation would be complete without a food crisis?
Countries in crisis requiring external assistance for food are expected to lack the resources to deal with reported critical problems of food insecurity. The list below covers crises related to lack of food availability, widespread lack of access to food, or severe but localized problems. However, many countries are also severely affected by high food and fuel prices. These include countries which are large net importers of cereals and fuels, with generally low per capita incomes, relatively high levels of malnutrition, and for which there is a strong transmission of high international food prices.
How deep into signs of tribulation need we be until an official declaration of one is made?
Of course I am not even remotely qualified to make such a call, that would take the word of a Pope, Archbishop or some other fanciful leader of a flock. Me? Just a humble observer standing on tippy toe and trying to gauge the flow.
Either way, if you did not like or enjoy the first four years of the cement mixer I can all but guarantee you will not appreciate the next three years--trends indicate slide not recovery and at an ever increasing pace at that. This is the crux of personal survival in a tenuous situation, observing and understanding the current situation and making mental preparation for avoidance or at least mitigation of the apparent risks...
Even if one is without belief, one does have to wonder... doesn't one? Something does seem to be afoot--No?
Perhaps... The art of prophecy is a lot to do with knowing and understanding human nature--then extrapolating probable result into the future... based on your worst found fears of it.
We cannot resist guessing the un-guess-able... Probably it is better to read and understand prevailing conditions.
Stay tuned...
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