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Life after the Global Elitist fade into oblivion...

As nations retrench into a state of guarded protectionism and away from meshed toxic trade partners riddled with impossible debt, we the citizens of the world have a great opportunity to reform a world conducive to peaceful co-existence, a retro fit to a gentler time with regional self-sufficiency.

The globalist elitist paradigm of cheap stuff gleaned from sweatshop labor, obscene rape of dwindling resource, cradle to grave indebtedness and mass elitist theft of citizens hard earned incomes can be shifted...

The question is... will folks realize and take this window of opportunity?

For fifty years at least, wild uncontrolled expansionism has run rampant throughout the world... at all and any cost.

While good for the self-anointed few who precipitated this crazed rush, it has proven to be horrendous for honest, regular folks. In retrospect we have been bequeathed a burned out smoking shell which once was a pleasant planet.

Corporations and governments alike have played into a deadly game instigated and manipulated by factions wielding untold wealth, power and influence. Equipped as they are--elitist power knob twisting factions have compromised all levels of legislature and governance driving a frenzy of ill-advised, wanton, heinous activities constituting a reckless rendition of what is called "progress" by them, albeit an insane rendition of progress when viewed in retrospect.

Progress by definition implies improvement, in reality I see nothing but global ruination and misery for no perceivable good purpose.

What I do see is smashed and ruined cultures, poisoned environments, low wage enslavement's and an aftermath which will be incalculable due to extent, depth and mass of perpetrated travesty.

I have difficulty believing the elitist motive was strictly wealth based for themselves, wealth they have in obscene abundance already... far beyond sufficient. For true motivation we have to look at the result of their behaviors and examine what cause and effect can be extrapolated from said behaviors.

Current global and regional result clearly demonstrates a never ending series of heinous destructive and hurtful actions, situations and events perpetrated upon untold millions of innocent world citizens clearly a result of crazed elitist  behaviors.

If I had to guess... I would say their motivation has been purely sadistic, a never ending "hurt to others thirst"--a cruelty craving on their part that cannot be sated.

Be that as it may, some form of crazed desire to wreak havoc and hurt is the only plausible motivation I can see since that is the tangible, readily observable result of elitist activity when viewed from any reasonable perspective.

Fortunately we have reached a tipping point where the subterfuge and end result of "ruling" global elitist factions has become painfully obvious to a growing number of prior "supplicants" who, if they are not cognizant of the extent of global elitist travesty, are at least smelling a rat now as ruination solidifies.

Awareness of personal violation comes when victimization falls close to home. The victims of global elitist behaviors are now legion and growing daily.

Once in a while a situation presents itself where a great change to the current offensive and callous conditions becomes feasible I suggest "NOW" is one of those occasions... there is a glimmer of light at the end of a very long, dark and sinister tunnel. It is not so much about accepting something new, it is more about soundly rejecting that which has decimated us... in short total rejection of any form of continued elitist global control or dissolution for corrupt regional sycophants of that ilk.

Alternative superior strategies and approaches will no doubt manifest naturally as the corrupt are laid to waste and constituents of society work things out for themselves... When and if left unhindered... folks know what to do and when to do it regardless of the mind control exerted in the past to have them become compliant and accepting of  "authority" directed insanity.

Nature abhors a vacuum and so a tenable substitute for the abomination represented by sadistic global elitist factions. Almost any replacement will be a vast improvement.

The question remains...

Will folks realize and take this window of opportunity?

This is my take on the situation, it is all about self-determination, aspiration and the will to win.

Stay tuned...


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