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Showing posts from September, 2011

Canary Islands after earthquake triggers volacano fears

INTERLUDE! Breaking News... POLICE have moved residents and tourists from houses at the foot of a volcano on Spain's Canary Islands after a growing series of earthquakes raised fears of an eruption. With the Pico de Malpaso mountain spitting rocks intermittently and a growing rumbling underground, authorities made emergency preparations in case the volcano blows its top on the Atlantic island of El Hierro. "I have never felt shaking like it," said Herminio Barrera, 25, a mechanic in the town of La Frontera. "I notice it especially at night. We can also hear a rumbling and sounds from deep down." A municipal official who asked not to be named told AFP that 53 residents and tourists had been evacuated to protect them from the occasional flying volcanic rock and the defence ministry said it was preparing emergency shelter for 2,000 people. "I am staying calm but there are people who are more worried, particularly those with children," Barrera told AFP. ...

2010, "Let The Right One In" sketches

Whoops! I totally lied about posting new stuff. I actually DO have new stuff, but I totally left out a sketchbook when doing my recent archival blog posts. So here are some drawings of Oskar and Eli (mostly Oskar) from the Swedish horror/romance film "Let The Right One In." I love this movie. Eli is really hard to draw. Originally I was more inspired to draw her because of her incredibly unique face, but Oskar ended up being my favorite. There's an American remake of this movie called "Let Me In", which I haven't seen yet. It looks good, but if you haven't seen either one, go for the original first. Or read the book! The book is cool too... New stuff soon.

Life after the Global Elitist fade into oblivion...

As nations retrench into a state of guarded protectionism and away from meshed toxic trade partners riddled with impossible debt, we the citizens of the world have a great opportunity to reform a world conducive to peaceful co-existence, a retro fit to a gentler time with regional self-sufficiency. The globalist elitist paradigm of cheap stuff gleaned from sweatshop labor, obscene rape of dwindling resource, cradle to grave indebtedness and mass elitist theft of citizens hard earned incomes can be shifted... The question is... will folks realize and take this window of opportunity? For fifty years at least, wild uncontrolled expansionism has run rampant throughout the world... at all and any cost. While good for the self-anointed few who precipitated this crazed rush, it has proven to be horrendous for honest, regular folks. In retrospect we have been bequeathed a burned out smoking shell which once was a pleasant planet. Corporations and governments alike have ...

Old Views Don't Die; They Just Fade Away

One of the app developers here on Android asked me about the best way to animate adding and removing items from a UI. Specifically, he wanted to fade items in and out as they became visible/invisible. So I wrote up a sample activity that used ViewPropertyAnimator , showing how to set the visibility at the right time (making it visible before fading it in, listening for the onAnimationEnd() to set it invisible after fading it out). Pretty straightforward, but if you haven't played around a lot with the new animation classes yet (WHY HAVEN'T YOU?!?!), it's probably not obvious: To make it invisible: invisibleButton.animate().alpha(0f).setListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() { public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) { invisibleButton.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); invisibleButton.setAlpha(1f); invisibleButton.animate().setListener(null); } })...

Building 7 Spontaneous Collapse - An Enduring Inexplicable Event

Many mysteries are easily explained... many more not. Explanations offered for any mystery often satisfy the provider yet often fall far short for the senses of the listener. The inexplicable spontaneous collapse of Building 7,  (among other catastrophic 9/11 event examples), sits squarely in the fold of "miss-explained" phenomena for many. Official explanations of this bizarre event seem untenable when gauged against any reasonable assessment of circumstance surrounding the events of that day. For a decade exactly... experts and casual observers have striven to understand the mechanisms employed leading to the demise of a well designed structure known to have been formulated and constructed to defy far worse destructive elements than those cited by official explanation. Until satisfactory explanation for the inexplicable building collapse is put forward by officialdom--closure of the situation is not likely to resolve or close for many generations to ...

Photoshop boredom

When I'm not inspired to draw, sometimes I'll pick a drawing and clean it up in Photoshop for fun. I had posted these right before I lost all my blog content, so sorry if this post seems repetitive or boring. The next post I do will have actual new drawings. I wanted to do a short comic about the girl above, but never got around to it. :/ The above drawing was an unused design for an animated pilot. Again, next post will be new stuff! I'd better get drawing...