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Global Risks Report 2011 - How to count the ways?

The annual (2011) Global Risk Report is an effort to round up all the global "known" or anticipated risks facing humanity in terms of socio-economic impacts faced by elitist world governance.

These are the individuals hired by the people for the people... to address said threats to render them harmless, or at least mitigate them on behalf of constituents.

I would not hold your breath, based on historical performance.

2011 may be the year of unsustainable effort on their part... given current global circumstances which are somewhere far south of bleak in terms of threat magnitude and variety. The crushing weight of self-induced, perpetrated travesty created by corrupt and greed driven administrations, legislators and corporations certainly has the look of insurmountably about it.

In 2011 it seems they will be busier than cats on a hot tin roof... or they will just succumb to the enormity of the slate of looming catastrophe.

I am supposing I may have to keep my own weather eye out for personal mitigation of "relevant to my situation" threats, I don't think relying upon "disengaged from reality" sycophant to Corporate interest governance is a sound bet, that's just me though.

The annual Global Risk Report starts of with an ominous tone.
The financial crisis has drained the world’s capacity for dealing with shocks. The frequency and severity of risks to global stability have amplified, while the ability of global governance systems to deal with them has not.
This introduction alludes to the fact the incestuous global buddy system of pay day loans has reached an ultimate conclusion, everyone in the circle has empty pockets and so passing the buck along to the entity ahead is not possible. This reflects the classic conclusion to all ponzi schemes, they are not sustainable and by definition they must therefore end.

I have illustrated many examples on this blog site of ill-advised, wanton and cruel deceit foisted upon the general world population over the years... under the hand of the "trusted:" and "expert" factions who profess to know best for you.

However... knowing Who?, When?, Why? and How? they did this to you is probably now irrelevant, becoming personally prepared, (at least mentally) for the onslaught of aftermath is now germane to mitigation of specific personal risk required to soften the blows of coming chaos and abandonment.

2011 may be the year "the ending" is made official... if not with formal announcements then with highly discernible result which will validate the terrible and heinous scope of elitist antics over the years.

In the interest of situational awareness beyond provided official controlled channels, it may be wise and appropriate to anticipate an immanent biting reality in your life - it will be in the form of socio-economic collapse... with nothing provided to fill the void.

The global economy is not a "Humpty" that can be put back together again, no matter what your governance promises.

Stay tuned...


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