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Global Eugenics - NWO - 1607 to 2007

As turmoil and chaos engulf our world it is tempting to ponder both the enormity and nature of the events we are witnessing. From global socioeconomic collapse to bizarre and frightening climate shifts and escalating natural catastrophe and calamity, it seems any form of "stability" is now by the wayside.

Is it all coincidental or is there some sort of intelligent motivation behind it all?

There are several things I do not subscribe to, hope, luck and coincidence being three of them. 

That being said, what could be behind it all, or at least some of the obvious bedlam we are experiencing on all fronts? 

Although I do not profess to know as fact, we do have a couple of discussion points which may address the bulk of it. In the matter of economic disaster the formation of what is known popularly as the New World Order, (now a confirmed reality) is certainly highly suspect in the demise of social order and economic collapse. 

Although the NWO is unlikely to be influencing the solar system and the obvious "detrimental" changes occurring within it, it does present opportunity for those in the "know." 

The adage "Never waste a good disaster" springs to mind. As Sir Francis Bacon, (1561 - 1626) the modern day founder and planning genius behind the globalist through elitist driven empire NWO and it's science agenda... famously said... "Knowledge is everything"... and trust me his cabal does know everything!

Could it be current events are reflective of an ancient resolve? If they are here is how I imagine events unfolded and more importantly why? 

In my observations spanning decades, I concluded in 2007 that the "material" objectives of the NWO completed.

I call this NWO phase two, a four hundred year phase which had the objective of funneling the worlds resource into a narrow and concentrated "beam" of scientific frenzy designed to penetrate and control the inner workings of nature itself, through unraveling the genome and creating genetic engineering the NWO sought to achieve godlike ability to alter, create and most of all extend life selectively while cementing the ability to control population growth through an array of eugenics strategies... some short term and others longer term... selective depopulation if you will while retaining longevity for itself.

Equally, the goals from 1607 to 2007 included the ability to go off planet as required and to have the ability to modify weather, climate and therefore have planetary zone control in the matter of "deciding" habitable locations.

I submit that these objectives were accomplished as prescribed in 2007, whatever you have been told about progress in genetic engineering, inner earth engineering and space travel is at least a 100 years more advanced than advertised.

With completion of the "material" phase in 2007 the project apparatus was purposely collapsed... it being now redundant. This "letting go of the global socioeconomic reins" produced a demonstrable collapse of global socioeconomic structure seen by many as just a natural market correction bought on by "bad mortgages" and other red herring causal factors which became readily acceptable as the "meltdown" mechanism drawing attention away from the true cause and purpose.

Phase two is ended... as designed world attention is firmly on the wrong ball - economy.

Phase three - 2007... to ongoing.

This the final phase - depopulation is well underway made easy by the chaos left through terminating phase two of the NWO plan. With decimated socioeconomic systems and infrastructure all manner of depopulation techniques are in play, they purposely involve longer term debilitating waves of "thinning" including immediate extermination as under engineered safe guards fail under stressed loads (think NO. Japan. Haiti. Gulf oil and so forth... also seeded conditions designed to produce all manner of new disease and ailments... infertility rate modification and instigated conflicts designed to escalate and snowball.

Please let your own discernment measure the truth of these provided insights to the NWO centuries old plan and the diabolical end result - Longevity or even physical immortality for them on a sparsely populated planet with the means to moderate the environment, design and manifest preferred lifeforms while having temporary haven in inner earth or near space as circumstances dictate.

In a word to be godlike... they have no means to ascend spiritually, they are "restricted" to the option of physical immortality only and will stop at nothing to achieve this 'work-around".

Regardless, I urge anyone and everyone to be cognizant of the "right ball" to watch... EUGENICS!!! If you are motivated to preserve "our" kind... sentient humanity--this is the fight to fight.

Socioeconomics are now a moot point and are irrelevant tactically and strategically -- the goal has nothing to do with wealth, treasures, political power, gold or any other short term fleeting "reward"... it is about life itself and your participation in it, now and your future descendants opportunity to preserve the very existence of human sentient beings... the bane of THEIR existence.

We will prevail - the truth reveals itself (with help).

Stay tuned...


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