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Societal "resilience" - Catastrophe Acclimation!

Most of this blog site is dedicated to the anticipation of ever escalating natural and man caused catastrophes as we move along the unavoidable and coincidental paths of disaster, natural and man made.

This unfortunate coupling features ongoing triggering and detonation of woefully inadequate human engineering intended to help us... but destined to exacerbate the terrible effects of  natural calamity as systems fail and technology falls far short of intended purpose--in short... facilities overwhelmed by natural forces.

Our situation is unprecedented, we are subject to socioeconomic meltdown, infrastructure and services collapse and an extraordinary exposure to a whole slew of natural catastrophe - simultaneously! This appears to be a quintessential multi-jeopardy for life in this cycle.

We are faced with decades of environmental collapse as the fury of natural elements demonstrate the futility of mankind's desires to control the cycles of planetary change, which regardless of us, are immutable, timeless and unfettered by the preferences of man.

Thanks to the so-called "New World Order" and their sycophant enablers... it is bad enough we are undergoing extreme yet natural weather and climatic shifts, geological upheaval and the specter of an angry sun poised to unleash untold radiant influences upon us, BUT it is unconscionable that we have this misery compounded by the reckless, wanton and ill-conceived proliferation of badly designed, under-engineered or grossly inappropriate science and technology implementations which now represent time bombs awaiting detonation in a minefield of socioeconomic and geopolitical chaos.

Think failing dams and levy's, nuclear reactors located in the "ring of fire," flood plains and poor chemical storage, deep sea oil drilling without disaster planning, unhardened electrical distribution and communications systems vulnerable to electromagnetic pulses and a veritable plethora of other suicidal, genocidal or eugenic causing science and technology applications embedded within our communities... all with a very high probability of failure as they experience upheaval stresses.

Low probability, high impact events of a disastrous nature used to be called "Black swan" events because of their rarity - the risk of them was downplayed in favor of the advantages provided and so the risk was downloaded to the general population to absorb.

Authorities abrogating responsibility allowed maximum profiteering by the soulless corporation, who with sanctification from our simpering wimp politicians and the obedient silence from the scientific community bought us to this place of unhappy reality.

The bottom line prevails as always, but there is no such thing as a free ride and it is now time to settle the bill... the true cost of which is beyond comprehension.

The "black swans" are now abundant in flocks.

We have engineered our way into a maze of frightening techno-backlash scenarios, something our ancestors did not have to contend with as they faced the natural climatic and geophysical changes of their time. While there are many more of us and we have technology and education it leaves one wondering if we have created a survival burden beyond our means to cope.

Many of the "modern age" pitfalls we face are "invisible" to us and danger is disguised or hidden.

Nuclear fallout and residue has no sign, smell or noise. Many lethal chemicals are all but unnoticeable even though they are disbursed and saturate our environment, toxic and noxious substance abound and are a new fact of our ecology - all undeniable proof of science gone terribly awry--or, worse - premeditated, in favor of power-mongering and profiteering.

Mississippi River Flooding: Pollution, Fertilizers, Sewage in the Flood Waters; ABC News Does its Own Testing
As time marches on we see more and more alert and alarm from the popular press... are we being pre-conditioned for an inevitable fate?
Century of disasters — how you can cope
Meltdowns, floods, tornadoes, oil spills, grid crashes — are more things going wrong?
In the same way that the 20th century was the century of world wars, genocide, and grinding ideological conflict, the 21st will be the century of natural disasters and technological crises and unholy combinations of the two. It'll be the century when the things that we count on to go right will, for whatever reason, go wrong.
The article describes several acknowledged (impending) modes of demise including the probability of electrical and communications loss over an extended period, it also touches on a recent realization now called ARkStorm, that's the name the U.S. Geological Survey's Multihazards Demonstration Project gave to a hypothetical storm that would essentially turn much of California's Central Valley into a bathtub. It has happened before, in 1861-62, when it rained for 45 straight days.

In any and all events we are prudent to consider this in the interest of situational awareness and personal preparedness, authorities are now referring to developing "societal resilience" yet another clever phrase which belies it's politically correct meaning, in the days when a spade was called a spade this phrase would have been expressed as... Minions... you are on your own, all bets are off - your leadership takes no responsibility for your upcoming fate.

The profits have all been taken, the easy spoils are depleted, remaining resources are ruined or spoiled, the bank has been broken, facilities are crashing along with economy... the earth is spewing or shaking and the sun is behaving "oddly."

You take it from there...

See how "normal" this is getting?

Like the slowly boiled frog... you are becoming conditioned to mental resilience and accepting without protest... at the end of the day... you are your own best advisor.

Stay tuned...


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