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Showing posts from November, 2010

Flex 4 Fun 4 Kindle

By popular demand, Flex 4 Fun is now available for the Kindle! If you order the eBook on the Artima site, you can download the Mobi as well as the PDF version. In fact, if you already bought the eBook, you can log into your Artima account and download the new Mobi version. Once you have the .mobi file, you can copy/email it to your Kindle device and start reading.

Shaka Devoxx

I'm back from the annual Devoxx conference, a fun and thoroughly exhausting week in Antwerp spent presenting, attending, and generally hanging out. It's always a great time, despite the weather and the overall grayscale cityscape. This picture from the show was taken during one of my sessions when I was either talking about a GUI frame or saying hello to my Hawaiian friends. I presented in several sessions, including 4 sessions with Romain Guy about Android and UI programming and one on topics from my book, Flex 4 Fun . I spent most of the week either on stage or writing slides and demos to present on stage. There's nothing like procrastination to keep you busy at the last minute. For anyone that missed the presentations, see below about their availability on . We may also post the slides someday, although it's always better to get the full deal (slides+audio+video). Also, I intend to post a couple of the demos I showed in the Android talks (the Flex demos...