Now that Flex 4 is released (yay!), it seems like a good time to announce that I've been writing a book about the graphics and animation side of Flex 4 (apparently I didn't learn my lesson the first time around, or I actually enjoy spending all of my spare time writing about what I spend my non-spare time developing). It should be a fun read with lots of eye candy demos with source code available on the book's website.
I'll have more details available in the next couple of days, and I hope to have the beta version of the book ready for online purchase within the week. (I actually hoped to have the real paper version available in stores this week instead. But that dream died a few months ago when I blew right past all of my deadlines. It's tough to finish a book about a product when you really need to finish the product first. So instead, I'll have a nearly-finished version of the book available online now, followed by the final version available online and in print hopefully sometime this summer).
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