Shakira's break up song has been chosen as the current, most interesting story about relationships this year by my C1 students. Alejandro S. found this BBC report that compares and analyses several break-up songs by Shakira, Miley Cyrus, Adele or Beyoncé that have become hits in the past years. In this article, which is suitable for C1 students, you will find interesting vocabulary like break-up, rage , grief , to cope, to binge, to unload [emotions], scorching , a diss track , sparks, raw [emotions], heartbreak , [to get] dumped , bitterness , revenge , to beg, [to be] scorned , to be over [this], a wink , a lump [in your throat], to drip, to smudge , tricky, to creep, to relapse , cleansing, to offload . The other story that interested C1 students most, is this Daily Mail article about Juan Froilán de Marichalar y Borbon, which was presented in class by Paco A.