As illustrated by above map, Arctic heating is accelerating, with temperatures showing up in the Arctic that are up to 4.41°C hotter than the average global temperature during 1880-1920. The image below shows two plots. On the left-hand side is the temperature plot associated with above map, had a monthly mean been selected. To smooth the data, a 4-year running mean was chosen, and the plot on the right-hand side shows the associated global mean anomalies. Note that, due to this smoothing, only data from 1882 to August 2017 are displayed in the plot of the right-hand side. It is appropriate to adjust the data by 0.5°C, as follows: An adjustment of 0.3°C to reflect a pre-industrial baseline (heating occurred due to people's emissions before 1880-1920); An adjustment of 0.1°C to reflect air temperatures over oceans (as opposed to sea surface temperatures); An adjustment of 0.1°C to better include polar temperatures (the top and bottom of the image at the top shows large polar ar...