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Showing posts from June, 2014

Google I/O 2014: Rehash

All of the videos have been posted from the various sessions I was in this year. Here they are, along with links to the slides. What's new in Android A presentation with  +Dan Sandler  that provides a quick overview of some of the larger features and new APIs in the L Developer Preview release and other new bits in the recent Androidosphere. There's also a really good deep-dive into Notifications, since Dan's the non-local expert on the subject. Slides (PDF) Material science This session, presented with  +Adam Powell , provides an overview of the engineering side of the Material design system. Many of the other sessions at Google I/O this year discussed the design side; this presentation covers the technical details of the APIs and the capabilities exposed by the framework for Android developers. Slides (PDF) Material witness I was happy to be joined once again by former Android developer and UI Toolkit team lead  +Romain Guy  for this talk on some of the new Ma...