Are there any geeks out there interested in new podcasts? What about podcasts about Android development? Tor Norbye and I are proud to announce a new podcast we've started called Android Developers Backstage. It's a podcast by and for Android programmers, featuring engineers on the Android team at Google talking about features, APIs, and technologies that we think are important for developers to know about. Or which we find interesting. Or which randomly happened to come up on the show. If your podcast client still has room and you have an extra half-hour (ish) every month (ish), then subscribe and tune in. You can find the podcast on Feedburner . Just click on one of the various links on that page to add it to your podcast client of choice. The inaugural episode is about Android KitKat, with Tor and I talking about some of the new features in the latest release. In future episodes of the podcast, we'll interview other engineers on the team to deep-dive technologies they...