"Fracking just the latest villain of the cult of catastrophe." Catchy disparaging phrases catch my eye, I am not about to address fracking, I am writing about the unrelenting, insidious attacks upon the character and intelligence of those who would advocate against willful, ill-advised industrial complex inspired, greed driven corporate activity, condoned by sycophant governance with no thought to our future, well being or prospects. Corporate shill headlines are usually intended to heap derision upon anyone who experiences the nagging sensation of impending catastrophe, or who would dare to challenge the wisdom of a dodgy decision. As a group they are painted loon-like. This attention grabber uses the derogative term "cult" to undermine the character of participants who feel the need to protest what is an obvious candidate for present and future disaster. This is not a theoretical proposition, the abysmal consequence of hydraulic fracturing, a process that involve...