Bilderberg 2012 date and location confirmed: from May 31st to June 3rd in Chantilly, Virginia (US). Bilderberg Meetings Once again the secretive and mysterious gathering of global elitists will inspire controversy and anxiety among the fraternity which suspects the gathering represents a cabal of International power-mongers intent on molding the world into a place of advantage to them, and according to some, ostensibly at the expense of average citizens around the globe. Count me as one of those. Although not privy to what or why such sinister ulterior motives may be within the "Bilderberg Group" agenda... we do have an inkling as to the purpose of them, they have not been shy to divulge. - Develop our plan for the world. - March towards a world government. By means of... supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers! What could possibly go wrong with that, do you suppose? In scope the Bilderberg group comprises approximately 150 exclusively invited l...