Occasionally I am asked why 2011 is different than other historic periods of upheaval and why should we consider it to be unique? After all, I am told, humanity has bobbled along regardless of prevailing periods of catastrophic impacts. For me 2011 represents a unique period in human history because there are far more of us and we almost all have access to instant information apprising us of what is happening anywhere in the world. This fact alone adds a dimension never before experienced by humanity as a whole and it most certainly introduces a “wild-factor” element generating an effect I would call our mass global conscience, a palpable driver of human reaction and activity. Since this has never been experienced before no one knows what outcomes a mass coordinated global conscious may invoke, a definite unique factor when assessing probabilities for 2011. It is likely that human perspectives have entered a new realm of cognizance and probably an era of some form of mental shifti...