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Showing posts from November, 2009

Video: Transitions and Easing in Flex

Transitions and Easing in Flex , the next episode in the gripping and suspenseful series CodeDependent , is now available from Adobe TV . This show examines a sample drawing application that lets the user change the location of the drawing tool palette, and how transitions can help provide a better user experience when changing the layout of the GUI. We also see how various easing approaches change the feel of the transition; no single easing approach fits all situations, so it's good to know what alternatives exist and to experiment with them to see what works best. Here's the video: Here is the demo application (nice SF picture courtesy Romain Guy ): And here is the source code . Finally, here's where you can find the CodeDependent videos on iTunes . Enjoy.

Video: Interactive GUI Components

Interactive GUI Components , the next episode in the gripping and suspenseful series CodeDependent , is now available from Adobe TV . This show looks at techniques from gaming consoles and cartoon animation for making a more interactive and fun user experience with your UI components. Here's the video: Here is the demo application: And here is the source code . Finally, here's where you can find the CodeDependent videos on iTunes . Enjoy.

Drunken MAX Interviews

The Drunk on Software film crew hit the streets and bars late on the last night of MAX 2009 , asking a select group of people (read: anyone that would let us film them), "What was your favorite thing at MAX?" It's like a "Man on the Street" interview, but with women, too. And it's not so much "in the street" as "on the sidewalk and in the bar." And after the drinking that night, maybe kind of a "facedown in the street" nuance as well. So maybe I'd call it a "Men and women on the sidewalk, in the bars, and lying in the gutter" interview format. Anyway, here's the result (or check it out on the Drunk on Software site instead). Enjoy...

Video: Animated Scrollbar and Slider in Flex 4

Animated Scrollbar and Slider in Flex 4 , the next episode in the gripping and suspenseful series CodeDependent , is now available from Adobe TV . This show deviates a tad from the usual CodeDependent shtick; I don't actually walk through any code (shock! horror!). Instead, we show a couple of the new Flex 4 components in action and see the animated behavior that they have to help create a smoother, better user experience. Here's the video: Here is the demo application: And here is the source code . Finally, here's where you can find the CodeDependent videos on iTunes . Enjoy.

Just for Show

Is there anything with graphics or effects in Flex that you would like to see explained? Any problem that's been bugging you, or some transition that you can't quite figure out? Or just some Flex/graphics/animation topic you're interested in knowing more about? Let me know and maybe it'll become a show... I've been good at doing a bunch of shows and some articles on topics that interest me, or problems that have come up that seemed like they might interest an audience larger than Chet, or just explanations of some of the stuff that we've been doing in the current Flex release under development. But that doesn't mean I don't run out of ideas. When the Adobe TV folks call and say that it's time to shoot another several episodes, I have to come up with a lot of content, quick, and sometimes that's easier to do than other times. In the meantime, suggestions from people actually trying to use our stuff to build real world applications (that's you)...